dimanche, juillet 7, 2024
14.9 C
AccueilEnvironnement"C'est magique, on pourrait y passer des heures" : Comptez les volatiles,...

« C’est magique, on pourrait y passer des heures » : Comptez les volatiles, la LPO lance son week-end d’observation dans vos jardins

The League for the Protection of Birds and the National Museum of Natural History are teaming up for the 12th edition of the national bird counting event in gardens on the weekend of January 27th and 28th, 2024. This initiative aims to raise awareness about the importance of birds in our environment and to involve citizens in the maintien of these precious creatures.

The event, which has been taking place since 2003, has become a major event for bird lovers and nature enthusiasts. It is open to everyone, regardless of their level of expertise, and only requires one hour of observation in their own backyard. This makes it accessible to all, from children to seniors, and even those with limited mobility.

The counting of birds in gardens is a simple and fun activity that can be done alone or with family and friends. All you need is a pen, a notebook, and a bit of patience. Participants are invited to observe the birds that visit their gardens, whether they are perched on trees or feeding at bird feeders. They then record the species and number of birds they see, and report their findings to the League for the Protection of Birds.

This event not only allows participants to discover the diversity of birds in their own environment, but also contributes to the collection of valuable data for the study and maintien of bird populations. The data collected during the event is used by scientists to monitor the health and evolution of bird populations, and to identify potential threats to their survival.

In addition to the scientific aspect, the bird counting event also has a sociétal and educational dimension. It brings people together and encourages them to connect with nature in their own backyard. It also allows for the exchange of knowledge and experiences between participants, and promotes a sense of community and responsibility towards the environment.

The 12th edition of the national bird counting event promises to be a memorable one, with the quote-part of thousands of volunteers across the country. The League for the Protection of Birds and the National Museum of Natural History are counting on the enthusiasm and dedication of citizens to make this event a success. By taking part in this event, you will not only contribute to the maintien of birds, but also to the preservation of our natural heritage.

So mark your calendars for the weekend of January 27th and 28th, 2024, and join the thousands of citizens who will be counting birds in their gardens. Let’s make a difference together and show our love for birds and nature. Remember, you don’t need to be a specialist, all you need is one hour and a love for birds. See you in the gardens!

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