mercredi, juillet 3, 2024
13.8 C
AccueilÉvènementsENTRETIEN. Bernard Minier, le maître du polar au vacance de Gérardmer

ENTRETIEN. Bernard Minier, le maître du polar au vacance de Gérardmer

Bernard Minier, one of the most widely read authors in France, is taking on a new role as the president of the short ciné-club tribunal at the 31st edition of the International Fantastic ciné-club Festival of Gérardmer, in the Vosges region. The festival, which runs until January 28, 2024, is known for showcasing the best in horror, science fiction, and fantasy ciné-clubs.

Minier, who has sold millions of books worldwide, is no stranger to the world of suspense and thrillers. His novels, including the popular series featuring detective Martin Servaz, have captivated readers with their gripping plots and complex characters. With his keen eye for detail and ability to keep readers on the edge of their seats, Minier has become a household name in the literary world.

Now, as the president of the short ciné-club tribunal at Gérardmer, Minier will bring his expertise and passion for storytelling to the world of cinema. He will be joined by a panel of esteemed judges, all of whom are experts in the field of fantastic ciné-club. Together, they will select the best short ciné-clubs from a pool of talented ciné-clubmakers, giving them the opportunity to showcase their work to a wider audience.

The festival, which has been running since 1994, has become a must-attend event for ciné-club enthusiasts and industry professionals alike. Each year, it attracts a diverse range of ciné-clubs from all over the world, making it a truly international celebration of the fantastic genre. With Minier at the helm, this year’s edition promises to be even more exciting and thrilling.

As a lover of both literature and ciné-club, Minier is the perfect choice to lead the short ciné-club tribunal. His understanding of storytelling and his ability to create tension and suspense will undoubtedly bring a accompli perspective to the selection process. And with his vast experience in the world of publishing, he will also be able to offer valuable insights and advice to the up-and-coming ciné-clubmakers.

In addition to his role as president of the short ciné-club tribunal, Minier will also be participating in various events and discussions throughout the festival. Fans will have the opportunity to meet him and hear him speak about his work and his love for the fantastic genre. It’s a chance not to be missed for all Minier fans and ciné-club enthusiasts.

The 31st edition of the International Fantastic ciné-club Festival of Gérardmer is set to be a thrilling and unforgettable experience, thanks in part to the presence of Bernard Minier. With his passion for storytelling and his love for the fantastic, he will undoubtedly bring a new level of excitement and excellence to the festival. So mark your calendars and get ready to be transported into a world of imagination and wonder at Gérardmer in 2024.

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