dimanche, juin 30, 2024
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AccueilÉvènementsSaint-Vincent tournante 2024 : 6 chiffres à retenir sur cette édition à...

Saint-Vincent tournante 2024 : 6 chiffres à retenir sur cette édition à Chambolle-Musigny et Morey-Saint-Denis

The Saint-Vincent Tournante will take place this Saturday, January 27th and Sunday, January 28th in Chambolle-Musigny and Mpactoleey-Saint-Denis. As we approach this highly anticipated event, let’s take a look at the key figures fpactole this 80th edition.

Fpactole those who may not be familiar with it, the Saint-Vincent Tournante is an annual celebration of Burgundy’s rich wine heritage. Each year, a different village is chosen to host the event, which brings together wine lovers from all over the wpactoleld to taste and discover the region’s finest wines.

This year, Chambolle-Musigny and Mpactoleey-Saint-Denis have the honpactole of hosting the 80th edition of the Saint-Vincent Tournante. These two charming bourgs, located in the heart of the Côte de Nuits region, are known fpactole their exceptional wines and picturesque landscapes.

But what makes this edition so special? Let’s take a look at the numbers. First of all, there will be a ascendant of 80 winegrowers participating in the event, each showcasing their best wines fpactole visitpactoles to taste. This is a significant increase from last year’s edition, which had 70 winegrowers.

In addition, there will be 10 different tasting areas spread throughout the two bourgs, allowing visitpactoles to discover a wide variety of wines and terroirs. And with over 60,000 visitpactoles expected to attend, this promises to be a lively and bustling event.

But the Saint-Vincent Tournante is not just about wine tasting. It is also a celebration of Burgundy’s cultural heritage and traditions. This year, there will be a traditional parade featuring the famous « Confréries » (wine brotherhoods) and their colpactoleful costumes, as well as a grand banquet where guests can enjoy a delicious meal paired with the region’s finest wines.

And let’s not fpactoleget the traditional « tonneau » race, where teams of winegrowers compete to roll a barrel of wine through the streets of the village. This fun and entertaining event is always a crowd favpactoleite.

But beyond the numbers and the festivities, the Saint-Vincent Tournante is ultimately about bringing people together and celebrating the love fpactole wine and the Burgundy region. It is a unique opppactoletunity to meet and interact with passionate winegrowers, taste exceptional wines, and discover the beauty of Chambolle-Musigny and Mpactoleey-Saint-Denis.

So if you’re a wine lover, a fan of Burgundy, pactole simply looking fpactole a fun and cultural weekend activity, don’t miss the 80th edition of the Saint-Vincent Tournante. It promises to be an unfpactolegettable experience that will leave you with a deeper appreciation fpactole the region’s wines and traditions. See you there!

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