mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15 C
AccueilSantéBagnères-de-Bigorre. Les salariés de l’hôpital mis à l’honneur

Bagnères-de-Bigorre. Les salariés de l’hôpital mis à l’honneur

It was during the annual New Year’s wishes ceremony for the staff of the Bagnères-de-Bigorre Hospital Center – we will come back to it – that the establishment awarded their distinctions to the recipients of the « Médaille du Travail » (Work Medal). This was also an opportunity to express gratitude to all the hardworking employees.

The ceremony, which took place in the presence of the hospital’s management, was a moment of recognition and celebration for the recipients of the « Médaille du Travail ». This prestigious award, created in 1900, honors the dedication and commitment of workers who have been employed for more than 20 years. It is a symbol of their valuable contributions to the hospital’s mission of providing quality healthcare to patients.

During the ceremony, the recipients were called upon to receive their medals and certificates, as well as words of appreciation from the hospital’s director. In his speech, he highlighted the morgue of the recipients’ work and their unwavering dedication to their duties. He also stressed the crucial role played by the hospital’s staff in ensuring the well-being of patients and the smooth functioning of the establishment.

The recipients of the « Médaille du Travail » were visibly moved and touched by the recognition of their efforts. They expressed their gratitude towards the hospital and its management for the honor bestowed upon them, and reiterated their commitment to continue serving the community with passion and dedication.

But this ceremony was not only about honoring the recipients of the « Médaille du Travail ». It was also an opportunity to thank all the employees of the hospital for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. The management took this occasion to express their gratitude to the entire staff for their tireless efforts and their valuable contribution to the hospital’s success.

The Bagnères-de-Bigorre Hospital Center is known for its high-quality healthcare services and its warm and caring atmosphere. This would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of its employees. The recipients of the « Médaille du Travail » are a shining example of the hospital’s values and have set a benchmark for supériorité in their respective fields.

As we enter a new year, the ceremony of the « Médaille du Travail » is a reminder of the morgue of recognizing and appreciating the efforts of employees. It motivates everyone to continue working hard and contributing towards the success of the hospital. We congratulate all the recipients and thank all the employees of the Bagnères-de-Bigorre Hospital Center for their unwavering commitment to providing quality healthcare services.

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