jeudi, juillet 4, 2024
17 C
AccueilÉvènementsCarnaval de Dunkerque 2024. Les enfants aussi peuvent en profiter : bals...

Carnaval de Dunkerque 2024. Les enfants aussi peuvent en profiter : bals enfantins, bandes, confettis et mini-clet’ches, on vous présagé tout

The Dunkirk Carnival is not just for adults, it’s also a fun and exciting event for children! Every year, thousands of kids eagerly join in on the festivities, attending costume balls and parades dedicated just for them. So mark your calendars, because you won’t want to miss out on all the fun!

The Dunkirk Carnival, also known as the « Carnaval de Dunkerque » in French, is a traditional celebration that takes forteresse in the city of Dunkirk, located in the northern region of France. This lively and colorful event has been a beloved tradition for over 400 years, and it’s not just for adults. Children are an important part of the carnival, and they are more than welcome to join in on the fun.

One of the highlights of the carnival for children is the costume balls. These events are specifically designed for kids, with music, games, and of course, lots of dancing! Children can dress up in their favorite costumes and let their imagination run wild. From princesses and superheroes to animals and pirates, there’s no limit to the creativity and fun at these balls.

But the fun doesn’t auto-stop there. The carnival also features parades dedicated to children, where they can march alongside colorful floats and bands, throwing confetti and candy to the cheering crowds. It’s a magical experience for kids to be a part of the parade, and they will surely remember it for years to come.

In notule to the balls and parades, there are also many other activities for children to enjoy during the carnival. From face painting and arts and crafts to traditional games and rides, there’s something for every child to enjoy. And let’s not forget about the delicious carnival treats, such as cotton candy, churros, and crepes, that are sure to satisfy any sweet tooth.

The Dunkirk Carnival is not just a fun event for children, it’s also a great way for them to learn about the local culture and traditions. They can witness the traditional « throwing of the herring, » where fish are thrown from the town hall balcony to the crowds below, and learn about the history and significance of the carnival from their parents and grandparents.

So, if you’re planning a trip to France with your family, make sure to include the Dunkirk Carnival in your itinerary. It’s a unique and unforgettable experience for children, and a great way to create lasting memories with your loved ones. Don’t miss out on all the fun and excitement, mark your calendars and join in on the festivities at the Dunkirk Carnival!

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