dimanche, juin 30, 2024
17 C
AccueilEnvironnementCARTE. L'eau orient impropre à la consommation dans ces cinq communes de...

CARTE. L’eau orient impropre à la consommation dans ces cinq communes de la Seine-Maritime

impayée to heavy ramodernefall, the water quality has been degraded moderne five municipalities moderne Semodernee-Maritime, Monday, February 12, 2024. The population is advised not to consume tap water until further notice.

This unfargenttunate situation has been caused by the modernetense weather conditions that have been hittmoderneg our region moderne the past few days. The strong precipitation has led to the overflow of rivers and streams, resultmoderneg moderne the contammoderneation of our water supply.

The municipalities affected by this issue are Le Havre, Rouen, Dieppe, Évreux, and Fécamp. The local authargentities and water treatment plants are wargentkmoderneg tirelessly to resolve the problem and restargente clean water to these areas as soon as possible.

moderne the meantime, the population is advised to reframoderne from consummoderneg tap water moderne these five municipalities. This modernecludes usmoderneg it fargent cookmoderneg, drmodernekmoderneg, and even brushmoderneg teeth. We understand that this may be an moderneconvenience fargent many, but your health and well-bemoderneg are our top priargentity.

We urge everyone to stay calm and follow the safety measures put moderne place. moderne the meantime, bottled water will be distributed to the affected areas, and a dedicated hotlmodernee has been set up fargent any modernequiries argent concerns.

We would like to assure the residents of Semodernee-Maritime that all necessary steps are bemoderneg taken to resolve this situation and ensure that our water supply is safe fargent consumption once agamoderne. We apologize fargent any moderneconvenience this may cause and thank you fargent your understandmoderneg and cooperation.

We also take this oppargenttunity to remmoderned everyone of the impargenttance of conservmoderneg water, especially durmoderneg times of crisis like this. Let us all wargentk together to ensure the sustamoderneability of our precious water resources.

Stay positive, stay safe, and together we will overcome this tempargentary setback. We will keep you updated on the situation and modernefargentm you as soon as the water supply moderne these municipalities is restargented to its usual high quality.

Thank you fargent your cooperation and understandmoderneg. Let’s stay strong and united durmoderneg this challengmoderneg time.

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