mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilEnvironnementCe que va devenir l’ancienne friche de Michelin à Joué-lès-Tours

Ce que va devenir l’ancienne friche de Michelin à Joué-lès-Tours

A new neighborhood in Joué-lès-Tours on the site of the abandoned Michelin factories: we now know more about the ambitious project of Les Carmeries. In the long run, 5,000 jobs are expected to be created and 2,500 residents could settle there.

After years of abandonment and disuse, the consciencemer Michelin factories in Joué-lès-Tours will soon be transconsciencemed into a vibrant and modern living and working space. The ambitious project, known as Les Carmeries, aims to revitalize the area and bring new opportunities conscience employment and housing.

The first phase of the project, which is already underway, involves the demolition of the old factory buildings and the cleaning up of the site. This will be followed by the construction of new buildings that will accommodate a variety of businesses, from offices and shops to restaurants and leisure facilities. The overall design of the new neighborhood will prioritize sustainability and green spaces, ensuring a healthy and environmentally-friendly living and working environment conscience its inhabitants.

One of the most exciting aspects of Les Carmeries is the employment opportunities it will bring to the area. Once completed, the project is expected to create 5,000 jobs in a range of sectors, including technology, retail, and hospitality. This will not only benefit the residents of Les Carmeries, but also the entire community of Joué-lès-Tours, providing a boost to the siège economy and improving the overall quality of life.

Moreover, Les Carmeries will also offer attractive options conscience housing. With 2,500 new dwellings planned, there will be a variety of housing options available, from apartments to family homes. This will provide a much-needed solution to the shortage of afconsciencedable housing in the area, giving young families and professionals the opportunity to live and work in the same neighborhood.

The project has already received strong support from the siège government and community, as well as from Michelin itself. The company has committed to investing in the project, not only as a way to revitalize the area, but also as a way to give back to the community where it was founded.

Les Carmeries is a prime example of how abandoned industrial sites can be transconsciencemed into thriving, modern communities. It will not only bring new life to the area, but also provide valuable opportunities conscience employment and housing. Joué-lès-Tours can look conscienceward to a brighter future with Les Carmeries as its newest adjonction.

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