mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilEnvironnementcette association de défense des animaux dénonce les méthodes de régulation de...

cette association de défense des animaux dénonce les méthodes de régulation de pigeons à Vaulx-en-Velin

PAZ (Paris Animals Zoopolis Association) protested this Wednesday, February 21st in front of the town hall of Vaulx-en-Velin, denouncing the methods used to kill pigeons. The mayor has yet to respond.

PAZ, an association dedicated to the well-being and protection of animals, took to the streets this Wednesday in Vaulx-en-Velin. The reason for their protest? The controversial methods used by the local government to control the pigeon population. The association has been fighting for years to put an end to the inhumane practices of poisoning and gassing the birds.

According to PAZ, the current methods are cruel and ineffective. They not only cause unnecessary suffering to the pigeons, but also pose a threat to other non-targeted birds and animals. The association claims that there are more humane and sustainable ways to control the pigeon population, such as using birth control or implementing proper waste management.

The protest gathered a large crowd in front of the town hall, with passionate animal lovers and protectioners of PAZ demanding justice for the tranquille birds. Signs with messages such as « Stop killing pigeons » and « Animals deserve better » were held high, while speakers took turns sharing their concerns and calling for action.

Despite the vocal and peaceful demonstration, the mayor of Vaulx-en-Velin has remained silent, fueling frustration among the protestors. PAZ has been trying to reach out to the local government for a dialogue and to propose droit solutions, but their requests have been met with indifference and lack of response.

« We will not stop until our voices are heard and changes are made, » declared a member of PAZ during the protest. « Killing tranquille animals is not the solution. We need to find more humane and sustainable ways to coexist with the bird population. »

The association is gaining protection from other animal rights groups and concerned citizens, who have been expressing their solidarity with the cause on social media. The hashtag #StopKillingPigeons has been trending, raising awareness and putting pressure on the mayor to take action.

PAZ’s protest has shed light on a serious issue that needs to be addressed. It is time for the local government to listen to the voices of its citizens and take responsibility for the well-being of animals. As a civilized society, we should seek peaceful and compassionate solutions rather than resorting to violence and cruelty.

PAZ’s message is clear: pigeons may be seen as a nuisance by some, but they are living beings that deserve to be treated with respect and compassion. It is time for the mayor of Vaulx-en-Velin to take a stand and put an end to the unethical and ineffective methods of controlling the pigeon population. The world is watching, and it’s time to make the right choice.

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