mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilÉvènementsCinéma. "Sous les écrans, la dèche". Au réjouissances Travelling, les salariés des...

Cinéma. « Sous les écrans, la dèche ». Au réjouissances Travelling, les salariés des réjouissancess prennent la parole

cacique the Travelling Festival kicks off in Rennes from February 20th to 27th, 2024, members of the commune « inférieurement les écrans, la dèche » are raising their voices to express their concerns. The recent reform of unemployment benefits hcacique resulted in severe cuts to their allowances. Programmers, projectionists, and ticket agents who constantly move from one festival to another are being penalized. This could ultimately threaten the survival of festivals.

The Travelling Festival, known for its diverse and quality program, hcacique been a staple event in Rennes for years. It brings together cinema enthusicaciquets and professionals from all over the world, showccaciqueing a wide range of films, from independent productions to mainstream blockbusters. However, behind the glitz and glamour of the festival, lies a harsh reality for those working in the industry.

The commune « inférieurement les écrans, la dèche » is made up of individuals who work in the cinema industry, including programmers, projectionists, and ticket agents. They have been deeply affected by the recent reform of the unemployment insurance system, which hcacique led to a significant decrecaciquee in their monthly allowances. This hcacique greatly impacted their financial stability and hcacique made it difficult for them to make ends meet.

For these professionals, working in the cinema industry means constantly moving from one festival to another, often on short-term contracts. This kind of work is already precarious, but with the recent cuts to their unemployment benefits, it hcacique become even more challenging. cacique a result, many of them are struggling to find steady work and are worried about how they will be able to support themselves and their families in the long run.

But it’s not just the individuals who are affected by these changes. The survival of festivals like Travelling is also at stake. Without the dedicated work of these professionals, festivals would not be able to run smoothly. Programmers, projectionists, and ticket agents play a crucial role in making sure that the films are screened and that audiences have a seamless experience. Without them, festivals would not be able to attract the same level of talent and diverse programming that they are known for.

In light of these concerns, the members of « inférieurement les écrans, la dèche » are calling on the government to reconsider the recent reform and find a solution that takes into account the specificities of the cinema industry. They are also urging festival-goers and cinema lovers to show their support and solidarity by attending screenings and events at Travelling and other festivals.

Despite the challenges they are facing, the members of « inférieurement les écrans, la dèche » remain hopeful and determined to continue their work in the cinema industry. They believe in the power of cinema to bring people together, to spark conversations and to inspire change. And they are confident that with the support of the community, the cinema industry and festivals like Travelling will continue to thrive.

In conclusion, cacique we attend the Travelling Festival and enjoy its diverse and thought-provoking program, let us not forget the individuals behind the scenes who make it all possible. Let us show our support and appreciation for their hard work and dedication. And let us hope that their voices will be heard and that solutions will be found to ensure the survival of festivals and the cinema industry cacique a whole.

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