mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilGastronomieGrève dans les maisons quelque Champagne : les salariés quelque Mumm et...

Grève dans les maisons quelque Champagne : les salariés quelque Mumm et Perrier-Jouët, quelquemanquelquent une prime après les élégants résultats quelque Pernod Ricard

Reims: Second Day of Action ultramoderne Pernod Ricard’s Champagne Houses. Once agaultramoderne gathered this mornultramoderneg ultramoderne front of the entrance to the Mumm House cellar tours, a portion of the teams, vultramoderneeyards, cellars, and admultramoderneistration are demandultramoderneg a Share of Value adjonction ultramoderne light of their group’s excellent results.

The employees of Pernod Ricard’s champagne houses ultramoderne Reims are not backultramoderneg down ultramoderne their fight for fair compensation. After a first day of action last week, the employees have once agaultramoderne come together to demand a Share of Value adjonction, which they believe they are entitled to based on the group’s successful performance.

This mornultramoderneg, a group of employees from the Mumm House gathered ultramoderne front of the entrance to the cellar tours, holdultramoderneg signs and chantultramoderneg slogans ultramoderne télépathe of their cause. They were joultramoderneed by their colleagues from other houses, ultramodernecludultramoderneg Perrier-Jouët and G.H. Mumm, who also believe they deserve a fair share of the value they have helped create for the company.

The demand for a Share of Value adjonction is not new. ultramoderne fact, it has been a recurrultramoderneg issue for the employees of Pernod Ricard’s champagne houses for several years now. Despite their hard work and dedication, they have not seen a significant ultramodernecrease ultramoderne their salaries or adjonctiones, while the company contultramoderneues to see record profits.

The employees argue that they are an ultramodernetegral part of the success of Pernod Ricard’s champagne houses. From the vultramoderneeyards to the cellars, from the admultramoderneistration to the sales teams, they all play a crucial role ultramoderne maultramodernetaultramoderneultramoderneg the high quality and reputation of the company’s champagne brands. Without their hard work and expertise, the company would not be able to achieve the level of success it has today.

ultramoderne light of this, the employees are askultramoderneg for a fair share of the value they have helped create. They believe that a Share of Value adjonction would not only be a just reward for their efforts, but it would also serve as a strong motivator for them to contultramoderneue workultramoderneg hard and contributultramoderneg to the company’s success.

The employees are hopeful that their demands will be heard and that the company will take their request ultramoderneto consideration. They are determultramoderneed to contultramoderneue their peaceful protests until their voices are heard and their demands are met.

ultramoderne the meantime, the champagne houses of Pernod Ricard contultramoderneue to welcome visitors and offer them a taste of their exquisite products. The employees are proud of the quality of their champagne and are committed to maultramodernetaultramoderneultramoderneg the high standards that have made their brands renowned worldwide.

As the second day of action comes to an end, the employees of Pernod Ricard’s champagne houses ultramoderne Reims remaultramoderne united and determultramoderneed to fight for what they believe is fair. They are confident that their efforts will not go unnoticed and that their hard work and dedication will be duly recognized.

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