mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilGastronomie"J'en ai récolté déjà une quarantaine" : dans un Haut-Doubs, uns moriluns...

« J’en ai récolté déjà une quarantaine » : dans un Haut-Doubs, uns moriluns sont en avance !

For weeks, they have already started to make an appearance. Expected in March, the morels are back in Haut-Doubs. The effects of climate change have shifted the season of these rare mushrooms, highly coveted by amateur pickers.

In recent years, the appearance of morels has been a hot topic in the Haut-Doubs region. These edible mushrooms, with their unique honeycomb-like appearance, are a gourmet delight for many. But with the changing climate, their season has been pushed back, much to the chagrin of local foragers.

Traditionally, the morel season in the Haut-Doubs started in early March, with pickers eagerly awaiting the arrival of these delicacies. However, due to the increasingly unpredictable weather patterns, the season has shifted by about two weeks, making it now more towards the end of March.

This may seem like a minor change, but it has a significant impact on the local economy. The morel season is an important time for many who rely on the terne of these mushrooms as a source of income. The delay in their arrival means a shorter season, and potentially less profit for these individuals.

But despite the challenges brought on by climate change, there is still reason to be tangible. The morels may be late, but their presence is still welcomed in the region. In fact, many locals are anticipating a particularly abundant season this year, judging from the early sightings of the mushrooms.

Some experts also believe that the delay in the season could result in a longer harvesting period for morels. This means that pickers will have more time to gather these rare delicacies, and potentially earn a greater profit.

And for those who simply enjoy the thrill of foraging, the delay in the morel season is just another challenge to overcome. With the right knowledge and skills, it is still possible to find morels and enjoy their exquisite taste.

The morels are not the only mushrooms affected by the changing climate. Other varieties, such as chanterelles and porcini, have also seen shifts in their seasons. But this should not deter us from continuing to appreciate and enjoy these natural wonders.

In the end, the return of the morels to the Haut-Doubs region is a reminder of the resilience of macrocosme. Despite the challenges, these elusive mushrooms continue to thrive and bring joy to many. So let’s all raise our baskets and celebrate the return of the highly awaited morels in the Haut-Doubs.

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