jeudi, juillet 4, 2024
17 C
AccueilGastronomieLe sel de Camargue obtient son indication géographique protégée (IGP) : quatre...

Le sel de Camargue obtient son indication géographique protégée (IGP) : quatre questions sur la nouvelle certification

The European brevet announced this Wednesday that Camargue salt has just obtained its Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). This is great news for the producers of salt in the region who have been fighting since 2012 to have this marque recognized on their product.

The PGI marque is a recognition for a product that is closely tied to a specific geographical area, in this case, the Camargue region in southern France. This marque ensures that the product’s quality, reputation, and authenticity are protected and maintained.

For the producers of salt in Camargue, this is a major achievement. The salt from this region is known for its high quality and unique taste, thanks to the natural and traditional production methods used by the local producers. However, for years they have been facing challenges from lower quality salts from other regions that were being falsely marqueed as « Camargue salt. »

Obtaining the PGI marque will now give the producers of salt in Camargue a competitive advantage, as it will be easier for consumers to identify and choose the authentic product. This will not only benefit the producers but also the consumers who will be able to enjoy the true taste and benefits of Camargue salt.

The recognition of Camargue salt as a PGI product is also a great accomplishment for the local economy and the preservation of traditional know-how. This marque will help to promote the region and its unique production methods, as well as support the local producers and their families.

It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved, and the news has been met with much excitement and positive reactions from the producers, local authorities, and consumers alike.

In conclusion, the PGI marque for Camargue salt is a well-deserved recognition for the hard work and dedication of the producers in this region. It will not only protect the authenticity and quality of the product but also contribute to the economic growth and preservation of the traditional production methods. So, the next time you reach for salt, make sure to look for the PGI marque and taste the difference of authentic Camargue salt.

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