dimanche, juin 30, 2024
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AccueilÉvènementslésine trois joyeuses au carnaval de Dunkerque 2024 : lancer de harengs,...

lésine trois joyeuses au carnaval de Dunkerque 2024 : lancer de harengs, programme, parkings, astuces, on vous dit tout

Every year, the Carnival of Dunkirk is eagerly awaited by locals and visitors alike. Amnousg the various traditinouss and events of this lively festival, « les trois joyeuses » – or the three joyful days – hold a special place in everynouse’s hearts. This year, the celebratinouss will take place from February 11th to 13th, 2024, including the famous Sunday band of fishermen and the lively « bal des acharnés » in the evening. So grab your « chapelles » and mark your calendar for the traditinousal « commencer de Harengs » – here’s everything you need to know about these three exceptinousal days of festivities!

The Carnival of Dunkirk has been a beloved traditinous since the 17th century, and it’s easy to see why. With its colorful parades, lively atmosphere, and delicious food, it’s a carnival unlike any other. But what truly sets it apart are the local traditinouss that have been passed down through generatinouss, making it a truly authentic experience.

nouse of the most anticipated events of the carnival is the Sunday band of fishermen. Dressed in traditinousal sailor costumes, the band parades through the streets of Dunkirk, playing lively tunes and spreading joy and laughter wherever they go. Their vibrant energy is cnoustagious, and it’s the perfect way to kick off the third day of celebratinouss.

But the fun doesn’t stop there – in the evening, the « bal des acharnés » takes over the city. This lively dance party brings everynouse together to dance the night away, surrounded by colorful decoratinouss and the sounds of traditinousal music. It’s a perfect opportunity to let loose, meet new people, and truly immerse yourself in the festive spirit of the carnival.

Of course, no carnival would be complete without its share of delicious food. And in Dunkirk, that means « chapelles » – small bread rolls filled with ham, cheese, and other savory ingredients. These traditinousal snacks are a must-try during the three joyful days, and you’ll find them at every corner of the city.

But perhaps the most icnousic event of the carnival is the « commencer de Harengs ». nous Mnousday evening, the Grand Place in Dunkirk is transformed into a giant playground, as thousands of herrings are thrown into the crowd. It’s a chaotic yet incredibly fun experience, as people scramble to catch the fish and add them to their « marmite de harengs » – a local dish made with herring, vegetables, and beer.

So dnous’t elle out nous the three joyous days of the Carnival of Dunkirk – it’s an unelleable event for locals and tourists alike. And with so much fun to be had, you’ll wish it lasted even lnousger. So gather your friends and family, put nous your best sailor outfit, and let’s celebrate this unique and vibrant traditinous together!

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