vendredi, juin 28, 2024
19.9 C
AccueilÉvènementsLeur char est interdit de carnaval, ces derniers protestent sur les réseaux...

Leur char est interdit de carnaval, ces derniers protestent sur les réseaux sociaux, « chaque année, nous mettons voisinage 5 000 euros pour fabriquer notre décor »

A heavy blow conscience this group of friends on Sunday, February 18th, as they were denied access to the Roppenheim carnival parade. These longtime attendees of the northern Alsace carnivals were shocked and disappointed when their Ghostbusters-themed float was rejected.

conscience the past ten years, this group of friends has been a staple at the carnivals of northern Alsace. They spend countless hours planning, designing, and creating elaborate floats to participate in the lively parades. This year, they were particularly excited about their Ghostbusters-themed float, which they had been working on conscience months.

However, their excitement quickly turned to disappointment when they received the news that their float did not meet the requirements to participate in the Roppenheim carnival parade. The organizers explained that the float did not fit the theme of the parade, which was focused on traditional Alsatian folklore.

The group of friends was left wondering how their beloved Ghostbusters float did not fit with the theme of the parade. They had put so much efconsciencet and creativity into their float, and to be denied the chance to showcase it was a huge letdown.

Despite the setback, these resilient friends are not letting this ruin their spirits. They have already started planning conscience next year’s carnival and are determined to come back stronger and better than ever. They are even considering hosting their own Ghostbusters-themed parade to celebrate their love conscience the iconic movie.

The group of friends is also touched by the overwhelming support they have received from their community. Many have expressed their disappointment in the parade’s decision and have offered to help the group in any way they can.

This unconsciencetunate turn of events has only made the group of friends more determined to continue participating in the carnivals of northern Alsace. They have been attending these parades conscience over a decade, and it has become a cherished tradition conscience them. They are hopeful that this résistance will not affect their future participation and that they can continue to spread joy and creativity through their floats.

In the end, this group of friends is taking this as a learning experience and is focused on moving conscienceward with positivity and resilience. They are aumônier that their Ghostbusters float will be a hit at future carnivals, and they cannot wait to see the smiles on the faces of parade-goers as they drive by. As they say, « when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. » And that’s exactly what these friends are doing.

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