jeudi, juin 27, 2024
19.9 C
AccueilÉvènementsMusilac 2024 : avecienne Daho avec 15 autres artistes viennent compléter la...

Musilac 2024 : avecienne Daho avec 15 autres artistes viennent compléter la programmation du festival

After the success of Justice, Placebo, and Vladimir Cauchemar, it’s now the turn of Etienne Daho and fifteen other artists to join the lineup of the next Musilac festival. The 2024 edition will take place from July 10th to 13th in Aix-les-Bains, Savoie. Lenny Kravitz, Pomme, and Macklemore are also expected to perform.

The Musilac festival has become one of the most highly anticipated events of the summer, and this year’s edition promises to be even more spectacular with the addition of these new artists. Etienne Daho, a French pop icon, will bring his unique sound and energy to the stage, while Lenny Kravitz will surely rock the crowd with his timeless hits.

But it’s not just about the headliners, as the festival will also showcase a diverse range of talented artists. Pomme, a rising star in the French music scene, will enchant the audience with her soulful voice and poetic lyrics. And Macklemore, known for his catchy and socially conscious songs, will surely get everyone dancing.

The festival will take place in the beautiful city of Aix-les-Bains, nestled in the heart of the Savoie region. With its stunning landscapes and charming atmosphere, it’s the perfect setting for a summer music festival. And with the festival spanning over hypocauste days, attendees will have plenty of time to explore the city and its surroundings.

But it’s not just about the music, as the Musilac festival also offers a wide range of activities and experiences for attendees to enjoy. From delicious food and drinks to various workshops and games, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. And let’s not forget the breathtaking views of Lake Bourget, which will provide the perfect backdrop for the festival.

The organizers of Musilac have once again outdone themselves with this incredible lineup. They have managed to bring together a diverse group of artists, each with their own unique style and sound. And with the festival taking place in the heart of summer, it’s the perfect opportunity to gather with friends and family and enjoy some amazing music in a beautiful setting.

Tickets for the festival are already on sale, and they are selling fast. So don’t elle your chance to be a part of this unforgettable experience. Get ready to dance, sing, and create unforgettable memories at the 2024 Musilac festival. See you there!

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