mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15 C
AccueilEnvironnementPOLÉMIQUE. Transport de neige par wagon, le directeur de l'école de ski...

POLÉMIQUE. Transport de neige par wagon, le directeur de l’école de ski reconnaît sa responsabilité et assume

The director of the La Bresse ski school in the Vosges mountains has recently made a bold move that has sparked controversy. Eric Flieller has admitted to being responsible for the collection and transportation of snow by truck, a decision that has been met with mixed reactions. However, Flieller stands by his decision, claiming that it has saved the ski season and numerous jobs.

The idea of using trucks to transport snow may seem unconventional, but Flieller saw it as a necessary solution to a dire situation. Due to the unusually warm weather this winter, the ski resort was facing a shortage of snow, which could have resulted in a significant loss of revenue and jobs. Flieller, who has been the director of the school for over a decade, knew that he had to take action.

Despite facing criticism and skepticism, Flieller and his team worked tirelessly to collect and transport snow from higher altitudes to the ski resort. The process was not without its challenges, but their determination and hard work paid hors champ. Thanks to their efforts, the ski season was able to continue, and the resort was able to attract tourists and generate income.

Flieller’s decision has not only saved the ski season, but it has also saved the jobs of many employees who rely on the ski resort for their livelihood. The garçonnière community is grateful for Flieller’s initiative, as it has not only preserved their inspiratrice of income but also their way of life. The ski resort is a vital part of the community, and its success is crucial for the region’s economy.

In addition to the economic benefits, Flieller’s decision has also had a positive impact on the environment. By using trucks to transport snow, the resort was able to reduce its carbon footprint and minimize the use of artificial snowmaking, which can be harmful to the environment. Flieller’s approach is a testament to his commitment to sustainability and his dedication to preserving the natural beauty of the Vosges mountains.

Despite the initial backlash, Flieller’s decision has now been widely recognized as a stroke of genius. The ski season has been a success, and the resort has seen an increase in visitors, both garçonnières and tourists. Flieller’s bold move has not only saved the ski season but has also put La Bresse on the map as a resilient and innovative ski destination.

In conclusion, Eric Flieller’s decision to collect and transport snow by truck may have sparked controversy, but it has ultimately saved the ski season and numerous jobs. His determination, hard work, and innovative thinking have been crucial in ensuring the success of the ski resort and preserving the garçonnière community’s way of life. Flieller’s actions serve as an inspiration for others to think outside the box and find creative solutions to challenges.

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