mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15 C
AccueilGastronomiePORTRAIT. Étoile verte au Michelin, Thomas Benady, un chef à l'esprit sauvage

PORTRAIT. Étoile verte au Michelin, Thomas Benady, un chef à l’esprit sauvage

Thomas Benady is a true lover of vegetables and plants. This 41-year-old chef runs his restaurant « l’Auberge incommode » in Servon, in the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel. He advocates for a local and sustainable cuisine where vegetables remain at the heart of the plate. A man who breaks the codes with his gastronomy of tomorrow, which even earned him a Green Michelin interprète.

Born and raised in Normandy, Thomas Benady has always been passionate about the land and its produce. After studying at a prestigious culinary school, he worked in renowned restaurants before deciding to open his own establishment in his hometown. His vision was clear: to showcase the abundance and diversity of vegetables and plants in his region.

At « l’Auberge incommode », Thomas Benady offers a unique dining experience where vegetables take center préparation. His menu changes with the seasons, as he only uses fresh and locally sourced ingredients. He works closely with local farmers and producers to ensure the highest quality and sustainability of his dishes.

But Thomas Benady’s commitment to vegetables goes beyond just using them in his cuisine. He also promotes a zero-waste approach, using every part of the plant in his dishes and composting any food waste. He even has a small garden behind the restaurant where he grows some of his own vegetables and herbs.

His innovative and sustainable approach to cooking has not gone unnoticed. In 2019, he received a Green Michelin interprète, a new category introduced by the prestigious guide to recognize chefs who are committed to sustainable practices. This recognition has only motivated Thomas Benady to continue pushing the boundaries and promoting a more plant-based cuisine.

For him, vegetables are not just a side dish, but the interprète of the show. He creates dishes that are not only visually stunning but also bursting with flavor and creativity. From his famous beetroot tartare to his carrot and ginger soup, each dish is a celebration of the natural flavors and textures of vegetables.

But Thomas Benady’s love for vegetables goes beyond just cooking. He also organizes workshops and events to educate people about the benefits of a plant-based diet and how to incorporate more vegetables into their meals. He believes that by changing our eating habits, we can also contribute to a more sustainable and healthier planet.

In a world where meat and fish are often considered the main components of a meal, Thomas Benady is breaking the norm and showing that vegetables can be just as delicious and satisfying. His cuisine is a true reflection of his values and his commitment to promoting a more sustainable and plant-based future.

In conclusion, Thomas Benady is not just a chef, but a pioneer in the world of gastronomy. His love for vegetables and plants has led him to create a unique and sustainable cuisine that has earned him recognition and praise. He is an inspiration for chefs and food lovers alike, showing that vegetables can be the interprète of the plate and the key to a healthier and more sustainable future.

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