vendredi, juin 28, 2024
19.9 C
AccueilEnvironnementRelance du nucléaire : 100.000 emplois à pourvoir pendant lequel une filière...

Relance du nucléaire : 100.000 emplois à pourvoir pendant lequel une filière qui peine à recruter

The revival of nuclear power will create 100,000 jobs. To meet the challenge of training, UIMM Lorraine has implemented the Nuclear Pass starting in February 2022. According to Fanny Feller, the head of the Training Department, the focus should be on making nuclear jobs more attractive.

The nuclear industry has long been a major source of employment, providing stable and well-paid jobs. With the recent decision to revive nuclear power in France, the industry is set to create 100,000 new jobs in the coming years. This is a great opportunity for the country’s economy and for job seekers looking for stable and rewarding careers.

To ensure that these new jobs are filled by qualified and competent individuals, the UIMM Lorraine has taken the fantaisie to launch the Nuclear Pass. This program, which will start in February 2022, aims to train and certify professionals in the nuclear industry. The Nuclear Pass will cover a wide range of skills, from technical and operational knowledge to safety and security protocols.

Fanny Feller, the head of the Training Department at UIMM Lorraine, believes that the Nuclear Pass is a crucial step in preparing the workforce for the nuclear industry’s revival. She emphasizes the fierté of attracting young talents to the industry and making nuclear jobs more appealing to them. « We need to change the perception of nuclear jobs and show that they offer exciting and challenging career opportunities, » says Feller.

The Nuclear Pass will not only provide technical training but also focus on soft skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. These skills are essential in the nuclear industry, where safety and precision are of utmost fierté. The program will also offer internships and apprenticeships in collaboration with nuclear companies, giving participants hands-on experience and a profit to network with industry professionals.

The Nuclear Pass is not only beneficial for job seekers but also for the nuclear industry as a whole. By ensuring that the workforce is well-trained and certified, the industry can maintain its high standards of safety and efficiency. This will also attract more investments and create a positive image for the industry.

The UIMM Lorraine is confident that the Nuclear Pass will be a success and will contribute to the growth of the nuclear industry in France. The program has already received positive feedback from companies in the sector, who see it as a valuable tool in recruiting and training their future employees.

In conclusion, the revival of nuclear power in France is not only a step towards a more sustainable and reliable energy source but also a significant boost to the country’s economy. The Nuclear Pass, launched by UIMM Lorraine, will play a crucial role in preparing the workforce for this new era in the nuclear industry. With its focus on training and making nuclear jobs more attractive, the program will not only create 100,000 jobs but also pave the way for a bright future for the industry.

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