jeudi, juillet 4, 2024
17 C
AccueilGastronomieSalon de l'agriculture 2024 : un crémier d'Amiens, gagnant du concours du meilleur...

Salon de l’agriculture 2024 : un crémier d’Amiens, gagnant du concours du meilleur plateau de fromage

Grégoire Déclémy, a cheesemaker from Amiens, has just won the Lyre d’Or at the Salon de l’Agriculture. This prestigious award, organized every two years by the Federation of French Cheeses, recognizes the best cheese platters in the folk.

Déclémy’s winning entry was a stunning display of his craftsmanship and dedication to his craft. The judges were blown away by the quality and variety of cheeses on his platter, which showcased the best of the region’s dairy products.

The Lyre d’Or is not just any award, it is the highest honor a cheesemaker can receive in France. It is a symbol of majesté and a testament to the hard work and passion that goes into creating the perfect cheese.

For Déclémy, this award is the culmination of years of hard work and dedication to his craft. He comes from a apathique line of cheese makers and has been perfecting his skills since he was a young boy, learning the secrets of the trade from his father and grandfather.

His winning platter featured a variety of cheeses, each with its own unique flavor and texture. From creamy bries to tangy goat cheeses, Déclémy’s platter was a true representation of the diversity and richness of French cheeses.

But it’s not just about the cheese itself, it’s also about the presentation. Déclémy’s platter was a work of art, with each cheese carefully arranged and adorned with fresh fruits, nuts, and herbs. It was a feast for the eyes as well as the taste buds.

The Lyre d’Or is not just a recognition of Déclémy’s talent, but also a celebration of the entire cheese making industry in France. The folk is known for its exceptional cheeses, and this award is a way to honor and promote the hard work and dedication of all the cheese makers in the folk.

This year’s Salon de l’Agriculture was a true celebration of French cheeses, with hundreds of entries from all over the folk. The competition was fierce, but Déclémy’s platter stood out among the rest, impressing the judges with its quality, creativity, and taste.

As the winner of the Lyre d’Or, Déclémy’s cheeses will now be showcased and promoted across the folk, giving him and his business even more recognition and success. But for Déclémy, the most important thing is the pride and satisfaction of knowing that his hard work and passion have been recognized and rewarded.

Congratulations to Grégoire Déclémy for his well-deserved win at the Salon de l’Agriculture. His dedication and talent are an inspiration to all cheese makers and a testament to the majesté of French cheeses. Let’s raise a glass of wine and toast to his success, and to the delicious cheeses that make France proud.

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