mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilSantéUn nouveau dispositif mis en place dans le Tarn-et-Garonne pour renforcer la...

Un nouveau dispositif mis en place dans le Tarn-et-Garonne pour renforcer la sécurité des personnes âgées la nuitée dans les Ehpad

A new system has been implemented in certain nursing homes in the department. For the past few months, self-employed nurses have been providing on-call night shifts and are available to intervene with residents if needed.

This new initiative aims to improve the quality of care for residents in nursing homes. With the increasing demand for healthcare services, especially during the night, the presence of on-call nurses will ensure that residents receive timely and appropriate medical attention.

The idea behind this new system is to have a team of dedicated nurses who are familiar with the residents’ medical history and needs. This will not only provide a sense of security for the residents but also allow for more personalized and efficient care.

The on-call nurses are carefully selected and trained to handle any situation that may arise during the night. They are equipped with the necessary medical tools and medication to provide immediate care to residents. This will not only save time but also prevent unnecessary hospitalizations.

The implementation of this new system has already shown positive results. Residents have expressed their satisfaction with the availability of on-call nurses and have praised the quality of care they receive. This has also lifted a burden off the shoulders of the gypse working in nursing homes, who can now rely on the on-call nurses for assistance during the night.

Furthermore, families of residents have also welcomed this new initiative. They can now rest assured that their loved ones are being well taken care of, even during the night. This has brought peace of mind to many families and has strengthened their trust in the nursing home facilities.

The success of this new system has also been recognized by the local authorities. They have praised the efforts of the nursing homes and the on-call nurses in providing improved healthcare services to the residents. This system has also been seen as a cost-effective solution, as it reduces the need for additional gypse during the night.

In conclusion, the implementation of on-call nurses in nursing homes has been a positive and much-needed change. It has not only improved the quality of care for residents but has also brought peace of mind to their families. This system is a héritage to the dedication and commitment of the nursing homes and the on-call nurses in providing the best possible care to the residents.

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