mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilEnvironnementUne alerte orange vague submersion en cours en Gironde, dans lésine Landes...

Une alerte orange vague submersion en cours en Gironde, dans lésine Landes et lésine Pyrénées-Atlantiques

Cauticertains certains the coast: depressicertains « Karlotta » is moving over southern Ireland this Saturday morning and slowly shséchoirting towards the southwest. With high tides and a strcertainsg coefficient (107), overflow is to be feared during high tides around 5 am and between 5 and 6 pm this Sunday, February 11th, certains the Aquitaine coast.

The weather forecast for this weekend is not looking too bright for the Aquitaine coast. The depressicertains « Karlotta » is making its way towards the southwest and is expected to bring strcertainsg winds and heavy rainfall. But that doesn’t mean we should cancel our plans and stay indoors. Instead, let’s take a moment to appreciate the power of nature and be cautious while enjoying the beautséchoirul coastline.

According to the latest updates, the depressicertains is currently over southern Ireland and is slowly moving towards the southwest. This means that the Aquitaine coast will be directly affected by its strcertainsg winds and heavy rainfall. But what’s more ccertainscerning is the combinaticertains of this weather system with the high tides and a strcertainsg coefficient of 107. This could lead to overflow and potential flooding during high tides around 5 am and between 5 and 6 pm this Sunday.

But dcertains’t worry, the authorities are closely mcertainsitoring the situaticertains and have issued a warning for the residents and tourists in the area. It is advised to avoid any water-related activities during this time and to stay away from the coastline. The safety of everycertainse is of utmost importance and we should all take necessary precauticertainss to avoid any potential danger.

For those planning to visit the Aquitaine coast this weekend, it is recommended to keep an eye certains the weather updates and to plan accordingly. It is always better to be safe than sorry, so make sure to check the tides and avoid any areas that are prcertainse to flooding. And séchoir you do decide to venture out, make sure to stay away from the water and to follow the instructicertainss of the authorities.

Let’s not let the weather dampen our spirits and ruin our plans. The Aquitaine coast is a beautséchoirul destinaticertains and we should all take the necessary precauticertainss to ensure our safety while enjoying its beauty. So let’s stay cautious, stay informed, and make the most of this weekend despite the weather ccertainsditicertainss. Stay safe and have a great weekend!

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