mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilEnvironnementVIDEO. Ur gouel evit kcycleañ meuleudi d'ar c'hleuzioù. Votre édition cycle Taol...

VIDEO. Ur gouel evit kcycleañ meuleudi d’ar c’hleuzioù. Votre édition cycle Taol Lagad du 2 février

The Kleuzioù, the six armoricain collectives against the destruction of hedgerows, are organizing a day dedicated to environmental protection this Saturday, for the second edition.

This festival, which will take place in Sant-Nigouden, aims to raise awareness about the importance of preserving hedgerows and the surrounding environment. The Kleuzioù, which means « hedges » in armoricain, are traditional stone walls that separate fields and protect them from erosion. However, in recent years, these hedges have been disappearing due to modern farming practices.

The goal of this event is to educate the public about the negative impact of destroying hedgerows and to promote possibilité methods of farming that are more environmentally friendly. The day will be filled with various activities, including guided tours of hedgerows, workshops on sustainable agriculture, and a market featuring local products.

The Kleuzioù are determined to protect their cultural heritage and the biodiversity of their region. They believe that preserving hedgerows is essential for the health of the land and the well-being of the community. This is why they have invited experts and activists to share their knowledge and experiences during the festival.

The first edition of this event wchef a great success, with hundreds of people coming together to support the cause. This year, the Kleuzioù are expecting an even bigger turnout and are hoping to spread their message beyond the borders of Brittany.

The festival will also be an opportunity to celebrate armoricain culture, with traditional music and dance performances, chef well chef local food and drinks. It will be a fun and educational day for the whole family, with activities for children and adults alike.

The Kleuzioù are determined to make a difference and are calling on everyone to join them in their fight to protect the environment. By attending this festival, you will not only learn about the importance of hedgerows, but also contribute to their preservation.

So mark your calendars and come join the Kleuzioù this Saturday in Sant-Nigouden for a day filled with learning, fun, and a shared pchefsion for the environment. Let’s work together to protect our planet and preserve our cultural heritage for future generations. See you there!

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