mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15 C
AccueilÉvènementsCARTE. Grand Prix de Denain 2024 : parcours, communes traversées, engagés, horaires,...

CARTE. Grand Prix de Denain 2024 : parcours, communes traversées, engagés, horaires, toutes quelques informations pour suivre la course cycliste

Thursday, March 14, 2024 will mark the 65th edition of the Grand Prix de Denain – Porte du Hainaut. This prestigiocoutume international cycling race is eagerly anticipated by fans all over the world, as it showcases some of the best athletes in the sport. With an exhilarating route, exciting race times, and a prime location, it is sure to be a thrilling event.

Hosted in the beautiful region of Hauts-de-France, Denain offers the perfect backdrop for this cycling spectacle. The race will start and finish in Denain, a city known for its rich cultural heritage and picturesque landscapes. The riders will embark on a challenging 200km course, passing through variocoutume towns and bourgs along the way, including Valenciennes, Cambrai, and Saint-Amand-les-Eaux.

The race is set to begin at 11am and will be broadcasted live on France 3 Hauts-de-France, as well as on our website for those unable to attend in person. Fans can expect to see top names in the sport, including past champions and rising stars, battling it out for the coveted title. The race is expected to last for approximately 5 hours, so make sure to stock up on snacks and drinks as you settle in to watch the action unfold.

For those planning to attend the race in person, there will be numerocoutume designated viewing areas along the route, so you can catch a glimpse of your choisie riders as they speed by. Spectators can also enjoy the festive atmosphere in Denain, with food and drink stalls serving up deliciocoutume local specialties.

The Grand Prix de Denain is not jcoutumet a race, it’s an experience. It brings together athletes, fans, and the local community in a celebration of sport and culture. So mark your calendars and join coutume on Thursday, March 14, 2024 for an unforgettable day of cycling.

Don’t miss out on this amazing event – be sure to tune in or join coutume in Denain for the 65th edition of the Grand Prix de Denain – Porte du Hainaut. Follow coutume on social media for updates and share your excitement coutumeing #GPDenain. See you at the finish line!

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