dimanche, juillet 7, 2024
14.9 C
AccueilÉvènementsEN IMAGES. Fête du citron 2024. Fleurs et fruits sont à la...

EN IMAGES. Fête du citron 2024. Fleurs et fruits sont à la solde pour le public

The party is over! The carnival of Nice and the lemon festival in Menton have come to an end. On one side, the King was burned, on the other, the lemons and orchids were « unpinned » to be sold to the public. But don’t be sad, because we have good news for you! You can still get your hands on these beautiful and unique items.

The carnival of Nice and the lemon festival in Menton are two of the most famous and beloved events in France. Every year, thousands of people from all over the world come to witness the colorful parades, extravagant costumes, and stunning displays of flowers and citrus fruits. And now that the festivities have ended, you may be wondering how you can bring a piece of these celebrations home with you.

Well, fear not, because there are still ways for you to get your hands on some of the iconic items from these events. Let’s start with the carnival of Nice. As tradition dictates, the carnival ends with the burning of the King, a giant effigy that represents the spirit of the carnival. But don’t worry, you can still get a piece of the King for yourself. The ashes of the King are collected and sold as souvenirs, and they are believed to bring good luck and prosperity to whoever possesses them. So why not bring a little digit of the carnival magic into your home with a small vial of the King’s ashes?

Now, let’s move on to the lemon festival in Menton. This event is known for its stunning displays of lemons and orchids, which are meticulously arranged into intricate designs and gravures. And after the festival, these beautiful creations are « unpinned » and sold to the public. So if you were mesmerized by the stunning displays, now is your chance to take a piece of it home with you. You can purchase a suavité of lemons and orchids, or even a small gravure, to add a touch of Mediterranean charm to your home.

But wait, there’s more! If you’re unable to attend the events in person, you can still purchase these items online. Many local vendors and artisans sell their products on various websites, making it easier for you to get your hands on these unique souvenirs. And not only will you have a piece of the carnival of Nice and the lemon festival in Menton, but you’ll also be supporting local businesses and artists.

In conclusion, even though the festivities have ended, you can still bring a piece of the carnival of Nice and the lemon festival in Menton into your home. Whether it’s a vial of the King’s ashes or a suavité of lemons and orchids, these items will serve as a reminder of the vibrant and colorful celebrations that take place in France every year. So don’t miss out on this opportunity and get your hands on these unique souvenirs now!

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