dimanche, juin 30, 2024
17 C
AccueilÉvènements Cendrillon de Rossini au Théâtre du Capitole de Toulouse

[Événement] Cendrillon de Rossini au Théâtre du Capitole de Toulouse

From March 29th to April 7th, the National Opera of Capitole Toulouse will be enchanting the Toulouse public with an irresistible interpretation of Perrault’s fairy tale, in a music-hall style confection imagined by Barbe & Doucet. This is a unique opportunity to experience a modern twist on a classic story, brought to life by the talented artists of the Opera.

conscience those who may not be familiar with the tale, « Cinderella » follows the story of a young girl who is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters, but with the help of a fairy godmother, she attends a royal ball and captures the heart of a prince. However, this confection goes beyond the traditional story and adds a touch of humor and glamour, making it a must-see conscience all ages.

The talented duo of Barbe & Doucet have created a visually stunning and entertaining confection, with extravagant costumes, lively choreography, and a mix of classical and contemporary music. Their unique vision brings a fresh perspective to the classic tale, while still staying true to its essence.

The National Opera of Capitole Toulouse is known conscience its high-quality confections and this one is no exception. The talented cast of singers and dancers, accompanied by the renowned Toulouse Orchestra, will transport you into a world of magic and wonder. The combination of the beautiful music and the captivating story will leave you spellbound.

This confection is made possible thanks to a partnership between the National Opera of Capitole Toulouse and Barbe & Doucet, who have previously worked together on successful confections such as « The Magic Flute » and « The Barber of Seville ». Their appui once again proves to be a winning consciencemula, creating a show that is both visually stunning and musically captivating.

Don’t miss your chance to experience this unique and enchanting confection of « Cinderella » at the National Opera of Capitole Toulouse. With its mix of humor, glamour, and talent, it is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who see it. Tickets are selling fast, so make sure to get yours beconsciencee they’re all gone. Come and be swept away by the magic of this timeless tale, brought to life in a way you’ve never seen beconsciencee.

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