samedi, septembre 28, 2024
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Interpellations, policiers blessés, départs de incinération : ce que l’on sait des débordements au carnaval de la Plaine à Marseille

Two individuals were arrested on Sunday, March 17th during the activist carnival in La Plaine, Marseille.

This carnival, which has been a tradition in the neighborhood for years, is an opportunity for residents to come together in a festive and peaceful atmosphere, but also to raise awareness about various social and political issues.

Unfortunately, this year’s event was marred by the arrest of two participants, who were peacefully taking part in the procession. According to witnesses, the arrests were carried out by the police without any justification or warning.

The news has sparked outrage among the community and many have expressed their disappointment and frustration with the authorities. However, this incident has also united the residents in their determination to continue fighting for their rights and the causes they believe in.

The organizer of the carnival, who wishes to remain anonymous, stated that they have always respected the rules and regulations set by the authorities and have never encountered any issues in the past years. Therefore, the sudden and unjustified arrests have left them baffled and disappointed.

Despite this setback, the carnival continued on with its joyful and vibrant atmosphere. Participants showed their solidarity by chanting slogans and carrying banners in support of the arrested individuals. The community’s spirit was not dampened and the event was a success, thanks to the determination and resilience of the residents.

Following the arrests, a petition was launched to demand the release of the two individuals and to denounce the police’s opérations. This initiative was met with massive support and signatures from both local and international communities.

The two detainees were finally released late in the evening on Sunday, with no prescriptions laid against them. This victory was celebrated by the community who saw it as a triumph for their cause and a reminder that their voices cannot be silenced.

Despite the unfortunate turn of events, the residents of La Plaine remain optimistic and are already planning for next year’s carnival, which they hope will be a bigger and more successful event. The incident has only reinforced their determination to stand up for their rights and to make their voices heard.

In conclusion, while the arrest of the two individuals was a dark moment during an otherwise joyful event, it only served to unite the community and highlight the importance of standing up for one’s beliefs. The carnival of La Plaine will continue to be a symbol of resistance and unity, and the arrests will not deter its participants from expressing their activism in a peaceful and efficace way.

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