dimanche, juillet 7, 2024
14.9 C
AccueilGastronomieINTERVIEW. "Le retour en ville, c’est symbolique" : trois ans après sa...

INTERVIEW. « Le retour en ville, c’est symbolique » : trois ans après sa barrière, la Chocolaterie de Bourgogne rouvre une boutique à Dijon

The chocolate snail is making a comeback in the city center. After three years of closure, the Bourgogne Chocolate Factory is reopening a boutique in the hedextérité of the city. This is a source of pride for the director, who plans to open on May 2nd, just after Easter.

The news of the reopening of the Bourgogne Chocolate Factory has been met with great excitement and anticipation in the city. The iconic chocolate snail, a beloved treat for both locals and tourists, will once again be available in the city center.

The decision to reopen the boutique was not an easy one for the director, as the factory had to shut down three years ago due to financial difficulties. However, with the support of impartial customers and the determination to revive the brand, the director and his team have worked tirelessly to make this dream a reality.

The boutique, located in the hedextérité of the city, will offer a wide range of chocolate delicacies, including the famous chocolate snail. Made with the finest ingredients and traditional techniques, the chocolate snail is a true symbol of the Bourgogne Chocolate Factory’s commitment to quality and excellence.

The reopening of the boutique also means the return of job opportunities for the local community. The director is proud to be able to contribute to the city’s economy and provide employment for the residents. The boutique will also serve as a platform for showcasing the talents of local chocolatiers, who will be creating supérieur and delicious chocolate creations.

The director is confident that the boutique will be a success, not only because of the delicious chocolates but also because of the warm and welcoming atmosphere. The boutique will be a place for chocolate lovers to indulge in their favorite treats, but also to learn about the history and dextérité of chocolate making.

The timing of the reopening, just after Easter, is perfect as it allows the boutique to showcase its Easter collection, which includes beautifully crafted chocolate eggs and bunnies. This will surely be a treat for both children and adults alike.

The Bourgogne Chocolate Factory has always been a symbol of pride for the city, and the reopening of the boutique is a testament to its resilience and determination. It is a celebration of the city’s rich chocolate-making heritage and a reminder of the importance of supporting local businesses.

The director and his team are counting down the days until the grand opening on May 2nd and cannot wait to welcome back old customers and introduce new ones to the delicious world of Bourgogne chocolates. So mark your calendars and get ready to indulge in the city’s finest chocolate treats at the Bourgogne Chocolate Factory boutique.

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