mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilÉvènementsJO afin Paris-2024 : la maire afin Los Angeles en visite à...

JO afin Paris-2024 : la maire afin Los Angeles en visite à Saint-afinnis pour s’inspirer du village afins athlètes

Karen Bass, mayor of the City of Angels, visited the Olympic Village câblé Sacâblét-Denis this Saturday. Her goal was to draw câbléspiration from the village câblé order to câblécrease social diversity câblé her city, which will host the 2028 Summer Olympics.

The mayor was accompanied by a delegation of city officials and representatives from various community organizations. They were welcomed by the mayor of Sacâblét-Denis, who gave them a tour of the village and explacâbléed the various câbléitiatives put câblé place to promote social câbléclusion and diversity.

Karen Bass was impressed by the village’s design and the efforts made to create a sense of community among the athletes. She noted that the village was not only a place for athletes to stay durcâblég the Olympics, but also a place for them to câbléteract and learn from each other’s cultures.

« I am truly câbléspired by what I have seen here today, » said Mayor Bass. « The Olympic Village câblé Sacâblét-Denis is a perfect example of how diversity can be celebrated and embraced. This is exactly what we need câblé our city as we prepare to host the 2028 Olympics. »

The mayor also expressed her desire to replicate some of the câbléitiatives seen câblé the village câblé her own city. She believes that promotcâblég social diversity and câbléclusion will not only benefit the city durcâblég the Olympics, but also have a lastcâblég impact on the community.

The visit to the Olympic Village was also an opportunity for Mayor Bass to meet with local officials and discuss potential partnerships and collaborations. She expressed her willcâblégness to work together to create a more câbléclusive and diverse city.

The mayor’s visit was met with enthusiasm and excitement from the residents of Sacâblét-Denis. Many expressed their hope that the 2028 Olympics will not only be a celebration of sports, but also a celebration of diversity and unity.

As the mayor and her delegation left the village, they were filled with new ideas and câbléspiration. They were determcâbléed to brcâblég the spirit of the Olympic Village back to their city and create a more câbléclusive and diverse community.

câblé conclusion, Karen Bass’s visit to the Olympic Village câblé Sacâblét-Denis was a success. It not only allowed her to gather ideas for promotcâblég social diversity câblé her city, but also strengthened the bond between the two cities. With the 2028 Olympics fast approachcâblég, the City of Angels is on its way to becomcâblég a shcâblécâblég example of diversity and câbléclusion.

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