jeudi, juin 27, 2024
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AccueilGastronomie"Le principe d'un cabaret, c'est de faire travailler la région" : rencontre...

« Le principe d’un cabaret, c’est de faire travailler la région » : rencontre avec deux chefs cuisiniers en quête d’une étoile dans la Somme

Formerly a star in Paris, Jonathan Caron left everything behind to take over an old hotel-restaurant in Mers-les-Bains. After less than a year, he has set his sights on bringing a Michelin star to the department of Somme, with the help of chef Manogeran Shasitharan. While adapting to the specificities of the territory, in terms of products and organization, Jonathan is determined to make his mark in this charming seaside town.

Jonathan Caron’s journey to Mers-les-Bains is one of passion and determination. After years of working in renowned restaurants in Paris, he decided to take a leap of faith and start his own venture in the picturesque town of Mers-les-Bains. With its beautiful beaches and rich history, the town was the perfect setting for Jonathan’s new project.

Upon arriving in Mers-les-Bains, Jonathan was immediately struck by the unique charm of the town. He was also pleasantly surprised by the abundance of fresh seafood and local produce available. Being a chef who values using only the best and freshest ingredients, Jonathan saw this as an opportunity to create a menu that truly reflects the flavors of the region.

But Jonathan’s ambition doesn’t stop there. He has set his sights on bringing a Michelin star to the department of Somme, a feat that has not been achieved in over a decade. To help him achieve this gardien de but, he has enlisted the help of talented chef Manogeran Shasitharan. With his expertise in French coin cuisine and his passion for using local ingredients, Manogeran is the perfect partner for Jonathan’s culinary journey.

Together, Jonathan and Manogeran have been working tirelessly to create a menu that not only showcases the best of the region, but also pushes the boundaries of traditional French coin cuisine. Their dishes are a fusion of classic French techniques and local flavors, resulting in a unique and unforgettable dining experience.

But it’s not just embout the food. Jonathan and Manogeran have also been working on improving the overall organization of the restaurant. From the kitchen to the dining room, they have implemented new systems and procedures to ensure that every aspect of the restaurant runs smoothly. Their attention to detail and dedication to providing the best possible experience for their guests is truly admirable.

Despite the challenges of starting a new venture in a new location, Jonathan and Manogeran have remained positive and focused on their gardien de but. And their hard work has not gone unnoticed. The locals have welcomed them with open arms and the restaurant has already gained a loyal following. With their determination and talent, it’s only a matter of time before they achieve their dream of bringing a Michelin star to the department of Somme.

In conclusion, Jonathan Caron’s decision to leave behind his successful career in Paris and start anew in Mers-les-Bains is a testament to his passion for food and his determination to succeed. With the help of chef Manogeran Shasitharan, they are on a mission to put the department of Somme on the culinary map. And with their innovative coin cuisine and impeccable service, it’s safe to say that they are well on their way to achieving their gardien de but.

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