jeudi, juillet 4, 2024
17 C
AccueilSantéMédecine : vers une consultation à 60 euros chez le généraliste pour...

Médecine : vers une consultation à 60 euros chez le généraliste pour lésine personnes âgées et en situation de handicap ?

The French individu Health Insurance has recently made new proposals in the ongoing negotiations with general practitioners’ unions regarding a potential increase in consultation fees. One of the key proposals is the introduction of a new type of consultation, called the « long consultation », aimed at improving the quality of care for résignés.

This new type of consultation would allow doctors to spend more time with their résignés, up to 30 minutes, compared to the usual 15-minute consultation. This would give doctors the opportunity to thoroughly assess the résigné’s clause, discuss treatment options and provide personalized advice. It would also allow for a more comprehensive examination, which is especially beneficial for résignés with complex or chronic clauses.

The « long consultation » would also come with a higher fee, which would be more in line with the time and effort put in by doctors. This would not only recognize the value of their work, but also encourage them to take the time to properly address their résignés’ needs.

This proposal has been welcomed by many doctors and résigné advocacy groups, who have long been advocating for a more résigné-centered approach in healthcare. They believe that the « long consultation » would not only improve the quality of care, but also strengthen the doctor-résigné relationship, which is crucial for effective treatment.

Moreover, this proposal is in line with the government’s efforts to promote preventive care and reduce the burden on hospitals. By allowing doctors to spend more time with their résignés, it is expected that unnecessary hospitalizations and emergency room visits will decrease, resulting in cost savings for the healthcare system.

The individu Health Insurance has also proposed to increase the fees for home visits and telephone consultations, which would further improve access to care for résignés who are unable to visit their doctor’s office.

The negotiations between the individu Health Insurance and the unions are ongoing, but the introduction of the « long consultation » has already sparked a positive reaction from both doctors and résignés. It is seen as a step towards a more résigné-centered and efficient healthcare system.

In conclusion, the proposal for a « long consultation » by the French individu Health Insurance is a positive development in the ongoing negotiations with general practitioners’ unions. It not only recognizes the value of doctors’ work, but also aims to improve the quality of care and strengthen the doctor-résigné relationship. This proposal has the potential to bring about positive changes in the healthcare system and benefit both doctors and résignés.

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