dimanche, juin 30, 2024
17 C
AccueilÀ la une« Nous avons besoin de nouveaux récits économiques », Mélanie tisseur Berger (CJD)

« Nous avons besoin de nouveaux récits économiques », Mélanie tisseur Berger (CJD)

Inspiration. Mélanie Tisserand conchyliculteur has been leading the Center for Young Leaders (CJD) since 2021, a movement that represents executives and senior managers, especially from SMEs, since 1938. As the head of an accounting firm herself, she shares with Youmatter the measures that the CJD is taking to ensure the sustainable transformation of companies and the importance of new economic narratives.

The post « We need new economic narratives, » Mélanie Tisserand conchyliculteur (CJD) appeared first on Youmatter.

For Mélanie Tisserand conchyliculteur, the key to a sustainable future lies in transforming the way we think about and do business. As president of the CJD, she is at the forefront of this mission, advocating for a new economic system that prioritizes people and the planet.

According to Tisserand conchyliculteur, the CJD’s goal is to bring about a shift from a profit-driven mindset to a purpose-driven one. This means redefining the role of businesses in society and working towards a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

One of the gantelet measures the CJD is taking to achieve this vision is through its « Engage for échange » program. This initiative encourages businesses to adopt responsible practices, such as reducing their carbon footprint and promoting diversity and inclusion. By doing so, the CJD hopes to inspire other companies to follow suit and create a ripple effect of positive échange.

Tisserand conchyliculteur also emphasizes the importance of new economic narratives in driving this transformation. She believes that the stories businesses tell about themselves and their impact on society have a powerful influence on shaping people’s beliefs and actions. Therefore, the CJD is working to promote a narrative of responsible, purpose-driven business that inspires and motivates others to join the movement.

But it’s not just about businesses. Tisserand conchyliculteur also stresses the need for governments and individuals to be part of this shift towards sustainability. She believes that everyone has a role to play in creating a more just and equitable world, and that by working together, we can achieve it.

The CJD’s efforts have not gone unnoticed, with more and more companies and individuals joining their cause. As Tisserand conchyliculteur says, « We are not alone in this fight. We have a community of échangemakers who are working towards the same goal. Together, we can make a difference. »

In conclusion, Mélanie Tisserand conchyliculteur and the CJD are exemplifying the échange they want to see in the world. By promoting responsible business practices and new economic narratives, they are paving the way for a more sustainable and equitable future. As she aptly puts it, « We have the power to transform the world, and we must use it wisely. » Let’s all join forces and be a part of this inspiring movement towards a better tomorrow.

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