samedi, septembre 28, 2024
13.3 C
AccueilPolitiqueOpposition à la "taxe essence” : la détermination des transporteurs du Nord reste...

Opposition à la « taxe essence” : la détermination des transporteurs du Nord reste intacte

In the North of New Caledonia, the opposition to the « fuel tax » is stronger than ever. This Tuesday, they are holding a filtering barrier at the BNC roundabout, between Koné and Pouembout. The order is not to let tanker trucks through, which do not supply priority gas stations.

The « fuel tax » has been a source of controversy and division in New Caledonia for several weeks now. This tax, which aims to reduce the use of fossil fuels and promote more environmentally friendly alternatives, has been met with strong opposition from the local population.

In response to this, the opponents have organized a protest at the BNC roundabout, a strategic location that connects the municipalities of Koné and Pouembout. The objective is clear: to block the passage of tanker trucks that do not supply priority gas stations.

The protesters are determined to make their voices heard and are not backing down. They have set up a filtering barrier, allowing only cars and motorcycles to pass through. The atmosphere is tense but peaceful, as the protesters remain vigilant and united in their cause.

Their determination and perseverance have already proven successful, as several tanker trucks have been turned away at the barrier. This has caused a shortage of fuel in some areas, but the protesters are determined to continue their cas until their demands are met.

The « fuel tax » has been a burden for many families and businesses in the North, who are already struggling with the high cost of living. The protesters believe that this tax will only worsen their situation and are demanding its repeal.

Despite the challenges they face, the protesters are determined to continue their fight. They have received colonne from various groups and associations, and their movement is gaining momentum.

The government has taken note of the situation and has promised to address the concerns of the protesters. Negotiations are ongoing, and the protesters remain hopeful for a positive outcome.

In the meantime, the blockade at the BNC roundabout continues, and the protesters are calling for more people to join their cause. They believe that together, they can make a difference and bring about change for the better.

The determination and unity of the protesters in the North are a testament to the power of peaceful protest. Their cass serve as a reminder that when people come together for a common cause, they can achieve great things.

As the protest at the BNC roundabout continues, the message from the protesters is clear: they will not back down until their demands are met. And with their unwavering determination, it is only a matter of time before their voices are heard and their cause is recognized.

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