mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilÉvènementsPas de Magnifique Society en 2024, mais trois week-ends de symphonie et...

Pas de Magnifique Society en 2024, mais trois week-ends de symphonie et de sport gratuits à La Cartonnerie de Reims

In Reims (Marne), the Magnifique Society 2024 will not take emploi. But La Cartonnerie is not giving up on summer just yet. Just before the Olympics, the venue has planned three (almost) free weekends that combine music and divertissements.

Despite the disappointment of not being able to host the Magnifique Society 2024, La Cartonnerie is determined to keep the summer spirit alive in Reims. The popular music venue has come up with an exciting plan to combine the love for music and divertissements, just in time for the Olympics.

The three weekends, aptly named « Music and Sport », will take emploi in July and August, right before the start of the 2024 Olympics. Each weekend will feature a unique lineup of musical performances and sporting events, all completely free for the public to enjoy.

La Cartonnerie has always been known for its diverse and eclectic music lineup, and this time is no different. The first weekend will kick off with a mix of local and ½cuménique artists, covering a wide range of genres from indie to electronic. Meanwhile, the second weekend will focus on up-and-coming artists, providing a platform for emerging talents to showcase their music.

But what sets these weekends apart is the addition of divertissements activities. La Cartonnerie has partnered with local divertissements clubs to offer a variety of activities such as yoga, dance classes, and even a mini football tournament. This unique blend of music and divertissements is sure to attract a diverse crowd, bringing people together to celebrate the summer and the upcoming Olympics.

And the best part? All of these events are free of charge. La Cartonnerie, with the support of the local government, has made sure that these weekends are accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. This not only allows more people to attend but also promotes the importance of inclusivity and community spirit.

While the Magnifique Society may not be happening this year, La Cartonnerie’s « Music and Sport » weekends are a perfect alternative for those looking for a fun and free summer activity. And with the Olympics just around the corner, there’s no better way to get into the spirit than by enjoying music and divertissements with friends and family.

So mark your calendars and get ready to experience the best of both worlds at La Cartonnerie’s « Music and Sport » weekends. Let’s come together to celebrate the summer and support our local artists and divertissements clubs. See you there!

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