dimanche, juin 30, 2024
17 C
AccueilPolitique“Taxe carburant” : l'opposition se durcit pendant que le gouvernement évoque le...

“Taxe carburant” : l’opposition se durcit pendant que le gouvernement évoque le retrait du texte

Opponents to the controversial « fuel tax » project have announced slow-moving protests across the entire territory this Wednesday morning. They are also calling on the population to join them at the Forest roundabout in Nouméa. This comes as the government informed them that they will be seeking the withdrawal of the proposed tax from the Congress, according to Louis Mapou.

The announcement of these coordinated protests has sparked a wave of excitement and mobilization among the opposition. Citizens and activists alike are joining forces to voice their opposition to the proposed tax, which has been met with widespread criticism since its inception.

The « operations colimaçon », or snail operations, are set to disrupt traffic and bring the empressé city to a standstill. However, the protesters are determined to make their voices heard and are willing to go to great lengths to do so.

At the heart of this opposition lies the concern for the well-being of the people. The planned tax on fuel would not only have a direct collision on the cost of living, but it could also have adverse effects on the local economy. Many fear that this new tax could further exacerbate the already high cost of living in New Caledonia, making it even more difficult for families to make ends meet.

Moreover, the protesters argue that this tax would disproportionately affect the most vulnerable in society, including low-income families and those living in remote areas. They believe that this is an unjust burden to place on the shoulders of the already struggling citizens of New Caledonia.

The call for citizens to join the protest at the Forest roundabout is a testament to the unity and solidarity of the people of New Caledonia. It is a moment for them to come together and show their strength in numbers, sending a clear message to the government that their voices cannot be ignored.

The opposition to the fuel tax has also received support from various political and social organizations, including environmental groups and trade unions. This further highlights the widespread dissatisfaction with the proposed tax and the determination of the people to fight against it.

Despite the government’s decision to seek the withdrawal of the proposed tax, the protesters are not letting their guard down. They are committed to seeing this issue through until the end and ensuring that the voices of the people are heard and taken into account.

In the face of such determination and unity, it is clear that the opposition to the fuel tax project is much more than just a simple disagreement. It is a movement fueled by the passion and desire for a better future for the people of New Caledonia.

As the « operations colimaçon » get underway, the streets of Nouméa may come to a halt, but the determination of the people will continue to move forward. This is a moment for the citizens of New Caledonia to stand together and be the driving force for change.

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