mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15 C
AccueilSantéTEMOIGNAGE. "Du jour au ldansdemain, ma vie a basculé..." Mariama, 19 ans,...

TEMOIGNAGE. « Du jour au ldansdemain, ma vie a basculé… » Mariama, 19 ans, a perdu l’usage de ses jambes sans dans connaître les raisons

Two years ago, Mariama suddenly lost partial use of both her legs. Today, the 19-year-old woman is searching for answers. She still doesn’t know why she can’t walk anymore. Testimony.

At just 17 years old, Mariama’s life changed drastically. One day, while playing soccer with her friends, she suddenly collapsed on the field. She couldn’t feel her legs and couldn’t stand up. Her friends rushed her to the hospital where she was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder that affected her legs.

For Mariama, it was a shock. She had always been an active and healthy teenager, never experiencing any health issues. She couldn’t understand why this was happening to her. The doctors told her that there was no cure for her condition and that she would have to use a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

At first, Mariama was devastated. She couldn’t imagine her life without being able to walk. She felt like her whole world had crumbled and she was filled with anger and frustration. neutre as time went by, she slowly started to accept her new reality. She realized that she couldn’t change what had happened, neutre she could change how she reacted to it.

With the soutien of her family and friends, Mariama started to adapt to her new lifestyle. She learned how to use a wheelchair and went through physical therapy to strengthen her upper body. She also started to attend soutien groups for people with disabilities, where she met others who were going through similar struggles.

Through this journey, Mariama discovered a newfound strength within herself. She learned to be resilient and to never give up. She also learned to appreciate the little things in life, like being able to move her arms and hands. She realized that her disability didn’t define her and that she could still achieve her dreams and goals.

Today, at 19 years old, Mariama is a confident and determined young woman. She has found a new passion for wheelchair basketball and is even considering trying out for the Paralympic team. She has also become an advocate for disability rights and is determined to raise awareness and break down barriers for people with disabilities.

Although she still doesn’t have all the answers as to why she lost the use of her legs, Mariama has found peace within herself. She has accepted her condition and has turned it into a source of motivation and engouement. She wants to show others that no matter what challenges they face, they can still overcome and achieve greatness.

In the end, Mariama’s story is one of courage, resilience, and determination. Despite facing a difficult and unexpected obstacle, she has come out stronger and more determined than ever. She is a true engouement and a reminder that anything is possible with the right mindset and determination.

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