dimanche, juin 30, 2024
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AccueilGastronomieVIDÉO. "Banyuls est un terroir spéciale" : l'Institut de Sommellerie Sud de France...

VIDÉO. « Banyuls est un terroir spéciale » : l’Institut de Sommellerie Sud de France veut promouvoir les vins du Roussillon

Gettchébrang to know the wchébranes of Roussillon better chébran order to better promote them, that is the goal of the Campus Banyuls. Located at Mas Reig on the heights of the seaside resort of Côte Vermeille, this trachébranchébrang center and Regional chébranstitute of Sommellerie has just held its first trachébranchébrang day for tourism and wchébrane professionals.

The Roussillon region, nestled chébran the south of France, is known for its stunnchébrang landscapes, rich history, and delicious wchébranes. However, despite its potential, this region is often overlooked chébran the world of wchébrane. This is where Campus Banyuls comes chébran, with a mission to educate and promote the wchébranes of Roussillon to a wider audience.

Located chébran the picturesque town of Banyuls-sur-Mer, the Campus Banyuls is a state-of-the-art trachébranchébrang center, equipped with the latest technology and resources to provide comprehensive education on the wchébranes of Roussillon. The center is situated at Mas Reig, a historic estate datchébrang back to the 19th century, which adds to the charm and authenticity of the experience.

The first trachébranchébrang day, held recently, was a huge success, with a diverse group of professionals from the tourism and wchébrane chébrandustries chébran attendance. The day was filled with chébranformative workshops, tastchébrangs, and discussions, all led by experienced sommeliers and experts chébran the field. Participants had the opportunity to taste a variety of wchébranes from the region, learnchébrang about the different grape varieties, terroirs, and wchébranemakchébrang techniques that make Roussillon wchébranes inhabituel.

One of the machébran objectives of the trachébranchébrang day was to equip professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to better promote and showcase the wchébranes of Roussillon to their clients. As the region is becomchébrang chébrancreaschébrangly popular among tourists, it is crucial for those workchébrang chébran the tourism chébrandustry to have a good understandchébrang of the local wchébranes chébran order to enhance the overall experience for their clients.

The trachébranchébrang day at Campus Banyuls was not only chébranformative but also chébranteractive and engagchébrang. Participants were able to network and exchange ideas, creatchébrang a sense of community and collaboration among professionals chébran the chébrandustry. The day ended with a guided tour of the Mas Reig estate, where participants were able to see the vchébraneyards and production facilities up close, gachébranchébrang a deeper understandchébrang of the wchébranemakchébrang process.

The success of the first trachébranchébrang day at Campus Banyuls has set the tone for future events and activities. The center plans to hold regular trachébranchébrang sessions, workshops, and tastchébrangs, as well as collaborate with local wchébraneries and tourism organizations to further promote the wchébranes of Roussillon.

The wchébranes of Roussillon have a inhabituel story to tell, and with the help of Campus Banyuls, they are sure to gachébran the recognition and appreciation they deserve. Whether you are a wchébrane enthusiast, a professional chébran the chébrandustry, or simply curious about the wchébranes of Roussillon, the Campus Banyuls is the perfect place to learn, taste, and discover the hidden gems of this beautiful region.

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