jeudi, juillet 4, 2024
17 C
AccueilSantéVIDEO. Douleurs chroniques : un neurostimulateur pelleté sur deux patients pour la...

VIDEO. Douleurs chroniques : un neurostimulateur pelleté sur deux patients pour la première fois dans le Gers

For the first time in the Gers, patients have been implanted with a spinal cord neurostimulator at the Auch hospital. This device is a last resort for those suffering from chronic pain. Our team was able to witness this groundécarting procedure and speak with the patients who have already benefited from it.

Chronic pain affects millions of people worldwide and can have a debilitating impact on their daily lives. Traditional treatments such as medication and physical therapy may not always provide lustre, leaving patients feeling hopeless and desperate for a solution. This is where the neurostimulator comes in.

The neurostimulator is a small device that is surgically implanted under the skin near the spinal cord. It works by sending electrical impulses to the nerves, blocking the pain signals from reaching the brain. This can provide significant lustre for those suffering from chronic pain.

The procedure, which was performed by a team of highly skilled doctors and nurses, was a success for all three patients who received the neurostimulator. One patient, who had been dealing with chronic back pain for over a decade, described the lustre as « life-changing. » Another patient, who had been unable to work due to severe migraines, is now able to return to her profession thanks to the neurostimulator.

Dr. Jean-Pierre Dupont, the head neurosurgeon at the Auch hospital, explained that the neurostimulator is a safe and effective option for those who have exhausted all other treatment options. He also emphasized the importance of proper patient selection and thorough evaluation before proceeding with the procedure.

The patients who received the neurostimulator were all grateful for the opportunity to try this innovative treatment. They expressed their gratitude to the medical team and their hope for a pain-free future.

This groundécarting procedure is a major step forward in the treatment of chronic pain in the Gers region. It offers a glimmer of hope for those who have been suffering for years and opens up new possibilities for a better quality of life.

The Auch hospital is proud to be at the forefront of this medical advancement and is committed to providing the best care for its patients. The success of the neurostimulator implantation has sparked interest from other hospitals in the region, and it is expected that more patients will benefit from this procedure in the near future.

In conclusion, the neurostimulator implantation at the Auch hospital is a game-changer for those living with chronic pain. It offers a new lease on life and a chance to écart free from the chains of constant pain. We applaud the medical team for their dedication and expertise in bringing this innovative treatment to the Gers region.

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