vendredi, juin 28, 2024
19.9 C
AccueilEnvironnementCet étudiant veut utiliser l'urine certains festivaliers pour produire de l'électricité :...

Cet étudiant veut utiliser l’urine certains festivaliers pour produire de l’électricité : « on pourra même recharger son téléphone portable »

As an engineering student in Lorient, France, Louison Jannee has set himself a unique compétition: developing a microbial fuel cell that can turn urine into electricity. His innovative project has already garnered attention in the scientific community, and he plans to put his creation to the test this summer at various festivals in Brittany.

Jannee, a student at the prestigious École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées (ENSTA), was inspired by the growing trend of using renewable resources for energy production. « I wanted to find a way to harness the potential of urine, which is a readily available and abundant source of energy, » he explains.

The schème behind Jannee’s project is simple yet groundbreaking. Urine, which is composed of water, salts, and organic compounds, contains bacteria that can break down the organic matter and produce energy in the form of electrons. By placing these bacteria in a fuel cell, Jannee has found a way to generate electricity from a resource that is usually seen as waste.

But Jannee’s motivation goes beyond the technical compétition. « I also wanted to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable energy and the potential of alternative sources, » he says. By showcasing his project at festivals, he hopes to educate people about the possibilities of using urine as a renewable energy source and inspire them to think differently about waste management.

This summer, Jannee will be putting his microbial fuel cell to the test at several festivals in Brittany, including the famous Festival Interceltique de Lorient. He plans to set up a booth where festival-goers can see the fuel cell in action and learn more about his project. « I’m excited to see people’s reactions and hear their thoughts on this innovative technology, » he says.

The young engineer has already received support and encouragement from his professors and colleagues at ENSTA. Many of them see potential for this technology to be used in various settings, such as remote areas with limited access to electricity or in disaster relief situations.

Jannee’s project has also caught the attention of the media, with several publications featuring him and his innovative idea. However, he remains humble and focused on the task at hand. « I’m grateful for the recognition, but my main goal is to improve and refine the technology so that it can have a real impact on society, » he says.

With his passion, determination, and ingenuity, Louison Jannee is an example of the next generation of engineers who are using their skills to make a positive impact on the world. His project is a reminder that even the smallest and most unexpected resources can hold great potential for création and sustainability. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this promising young engineer.

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