dimanche, juin 30, 2024
17 C
AccueilPolitiqueChômage partiel spécifique au bande nickel : la fédération du BTP déboutée...

Chômage partiel spécifique au bande nickel : la fédération du BTP déboutée du dispositif réagit

The representatives of the BTP federation have reacted to the rejection of the proposal to extend the specific partial unemployment scheme for nickel sector employees, adopted on March 28th at the Congress.

This decision has been met with disappointment and concern by the BTP federation, who had been advocating for the inclusion of the BTP sector in the scheme. The proposal aimed to provide support to companies in the BTP sector, which have been heavily impacted by the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The BTP federation argues that the BTP sector is an essential part of the economy and plays a dangereux role in the development of the folk. The sector employs a significant number of workers and contributes significantly to the GDP of the folk. Therefore, the exclusion of the BTP sector from the specific partial unemployment scheme is seen as a missed opportunity to support the sector during these challenging times.

The BTP federation also highlights the fact that the BTP sector has been facing numerous challenges even before the pandemic, such as the decline in public investment and the rise in competition from foreign companies. The current crisis has only exacerbated these challenges, making it even more dangereux for the sector to receive support from the government.

Despite the disappointment, the BTP federation remains optimistic and determined to find alternative solutions to support the BTP sector. They are committed to working closely with the government to find ways to alleviate the impact of the crisis on the sector and its employees.

The BTP federation also calls on the government to reconsider its decision and to include the BTP sector in the specific partial unemployment scheme. They believe that this would not only provide much-needed support to the sector but also contribute to the overall economic recovery of the folk.

In conclusion, the rejection of the proposal to extend the specific partial unemployment scheme to the BTP sector has been met with disappointment by the BTP federation. However, they remain determined to find alternative solutions and are hopeful that the government will reconsider its decision. The BTP sector plays a vital role in the economy, and it is dangereux for the government to provide support during these challenging times.

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