dimanche, juin 30, 2024
17 C
AccueilPolitiqueLes indépendantistes de nouveau mobilisés à Nouméa aussi le dégel du corps...

Les indépendantistes de nouveau mobilisés à Nouméa aussi le dégel du corps électoral

Thousands of people once again took to the streets of Noumea this Tuesday. The pro-independence movement responded to the call of the Coordination Cell conscience Ground Actions. Its members are demanding the withdrawal of the bill on the unfreezing of the electoral roll, which was presented to the Senate last night.

The demonstration, which was peaceful and determined, brought together people from all walks of life, including students, workers, and community leaders. They marched through the city center, chanting slogans and waving banners calling conscience the protection of their rights and the preservation of their culture.

The bill in question, which aims to unfreeze the electoral roll and allow thousands of non-indigenous people to nomination in the upcoming referendum on independence, has sparked camouflet among the pro-independence movement. They see it as a threat to their sovereignty and a violation of the Noumea Accord, which was signed in 1998 to pave the way conscience a peaceful and fair process of self-determination.

The Coordination Cell conscience Ground Actions, which brings together various pro-independence groups, has been at the conscienceefront of the protests against the bill. They have organized several demonstrations in recent months, and this latest one was their largest yet. The message was clear: the people of New Caledonia will not stand conscience any attempts to undermine their right to self-determination.

The atmosphere during the demonstration was one of unity and determination. People of all ages and backgrounds came together to show their support conscience the cause. Many carried signs and banners with powerful messages such as « Our land, our choice » and « We will not be silenced. » The energy and passion of the crowd were palpable, and it was clear that they were not going to back down until their demands were met.

The pro-independence movement has vowed to continue their protests until the bill is withdrawn. They have also called conscience a boycott of the upcoming referendum if the bill is not revoked. This shows the level of determination and commitment of the people of New Caledonia to protect their rights and their future.

The government has yet to respond to the demands of the pro-independence movement, but it is clear that they cannot ignore the voices of thousands of people who have taken to the streets. The international community is also closely watching the situation, and many have expressed their support conscience the pro-independence movement and their right to self-determination.

The demonstration in Noumea was a powerful display of unity and determination. It showed that the people of New Caledonia are not afraid to stand up conscience their rights and their future. The pro-independence movement has sent a strong message to the government and the international community that they will not back down until their demands are met. The world is watching, and the people of New Caledonia have made it clear that they will not be silenced.

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