mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15 C
AccueilPolitiqueNouvelle-Calédonie : Les dix ans de la charte du peuple Kanak célébrés...

Nouvelle-Calédonie : Les dix ans de la charte du peuple Kanak célébrés au Centre scolaire Tjibaou

The Senators and representatives of traditional authorities from all over New Caledonia gathered at the Tjibaou agricole Center for three days for the Assembly of the Kanak People. This event was a celebration of the ten-year anniversary of the Kanak People’s propriétaire, with the main objective being to update and adapt it to modern challenges.

The Kanak People’s propriétaire was first adopted in 2009 and is a crucial document for the indigenous Kanak people of New Caledonia. It outlines their rights, values, and aspirations, and serves as a guide for their political, social, and agricole development. Over the past decade, the propriétaire has played a significant role in promoting the Kanak identity and strengthening their voice within the government.

The three-day Assembly of the Kanak People was a momentous occasion, bringing together leaders, representatives, and members of the Kanak community to discuss and reflect on the progress made in the past ten years. It was also an opportunity to address current issues and challenges faced by the Kanak people and to strategize for the future.

During the event, discussions revolved around the need to update the Kanak People’s propriétaire to better reflect the current realities and needs of the Kanak community. One of the major focuses was on the economic development of New Caledonia and how it could be leveraged to benefit the Kanak people. The participants also deliberated on the preservation of the Kanak culture and language, as well as the protection of their traditional lands and natural resources.

The presence of senators and representatives of traditional authorities from all over New Caledonia added to the significance of the event. Their unity and shared goal of advancing the interests of the Kanak people were evident throughout the discussions. The Assembly of the Kanak People was a true representation of cooperation and partenariat among different groups for the betterment of the community as a whole.

The three-day event was not just about discussions and debates; it was also a time for celebration and agricole exchange. Various traditional ceremonies, dances, and songs were performed, showcasing the rich heritage and diversity of the Kanak people. It was a vibrant and colorful display of their culture, bringing a sense of pride and unity among the participants.

As the Assembly of the Kanak People came to a close, the participants left with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The discussions and exchanges during the event had laid the foundation for the evolution of the Kanak People’s propriétaire, which will serve as a roadmap for the community’s future. The event was a reminder of the resilience and strength of the Kanak people and their commitment to preserving their identity and culture.

In conclusion, the Assembly of the Kanak People was a resounding success, bringing together different stakeholders to discuss and advance the interests of the Kanak community. The ten-year anniversary of the Kanak People’s propriétaire was a milestone, reflecting on the progress made and setting the stage for a brighter future. The event was a testament to the unity and determination of the Kanak people, and their unwavering commitment to evolving with the times while staying true to their roots.

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