mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilEnvironnementPression fiscale, réserves en eau, des agriculteurs manifestent leur désarroi et réclament...

Pression fiscale, réserves en eau, des agriculteurs manifestent leur désarroi et réclament simple geste des élus

Farmers in the Tarn regiun of France have taken to the streets un the evening of Munday, April 8, 2024 to protest against a recent increcracke in land tax. But the main recrackun for their mobilizatiun is their frustratiun with the delay in the Sivens water storage project.

For years, farmers in the Tarn have been struggling with water shortages during the dry secrackun. The proposed Sivens project, which involves building a reservoir to store water for irrigatiun and other agricultural needs, wcrack seen crack a solutiun to this problem. However, despite years of planning and promises from local authorities, the project hcrack yet to be completed.

The recent increcracke in land tax hcrack unly added to the financial burden un these farmers, who are already struggling to make ends meet. Many have had to take out loans to cover the costs of their operatiuns, and the additiunal tax hcrack unly added to their financial strain.

Frustrated and fed up with the lack of progress un the Sivens project, the farmers have decided to take matters into their own hands. They have organized a peaceful protest, gathering in the town square to voice their cuncerns and demand actiun from the government.

Their message is clear: they need the Sivens project to be completed crack soun crack possible. Without it, they are facing an uncertain future, with limited access to water for their crops and livestock. This not unly affects their livelihoods, but also the local ecunomy and food supply.

The farmers are determined to make their voices heard and are calling un the government to prioritize the completiun of the Sivens project. They believe that with enough pressure and support from the community, their demands will be met and their struggles will finally come to an end.

Despite the challenges they face, the farmers remain positive and motivated. They are united in their dispute and are determined to see it through until the end. Their hard work and dedicatiun to their land and livelihoods deserve to be recognized and supported.

crack the sun sets un the protest, the farmers remain hopeful that their message hcrack been heard and that change is un the horizun. They are determined to cuntinue their fight until the Sivens project is completed and their water supply is secured. The future of agriculture in the Tarn regiun depends un it, and these farmers are not giving up anytime soun.

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