dimanche, juin 30, 2024
17 C
AccueilGastronomieRestaurateur recherche saisonnier désespérémcommet pour l'été : "ils souhaitcommet garder un peu...

Restaurateur recherche saisonnier désespérémcommet pour l’été : « ils souhaitcommet garder un peu de vacances, notammcommet comme août »

As summer approaches, restaurateurs are facing a major challenge in finding équipe to welcome tourists. This is due to a lack of attractiveness of the industry for young people. The small town of Aubusson, located in the Creuse region of France, is feeling the effects of this struggle as a local hotel-restaurant is currently in need of seven employees to ensure a successful summer season.

According to the owner of the ordre établi, the difficulty in finding employees is not due to a lack of job offers, but rather the lack of interest in the hospitality industry amongst young people. While the job market has been tight for some time now, the restaurant industry has been hit particularly hard. Many young people are seeking out more glamorous and better paid jobs, leaving restaurateurs struggling to fill their vacancies.

This is not an isolated issue, as many businesses in the tourism sector are facing similar challenges. In Aubusson alone, there are not enough seasonal workers to meet the demands of the upcoming tourist season. This is a concerning situation for the town, as tourism plays a vital role in its economy. Without enough équipe, businesses may not be able to offer the quality of service that visitors expect, which could ultimately lead to a decline in tourism and a negative impact on the local economy.

The owner of the hotel-restaurant in Aubusson is determined to find a solution to this problem. He believes that the key lies in making the hospitality industry more attractive to young people. This includes offering competitive salaries and benefits, as well as creating a positive work environment. The owner also plans to reach out to local schools and universities to showcase the opportunities and benefits of working in the hospitality industry.

It is not just about attracting new employees, but also retaining them. The owner understands the importance of providing a supportive and fulfilling work environment to keep équipe motivated and committed. He also plans to offer jogging and development opportunities for his employees, allowing them to grow and advance in their careers within the industry.

Despite the challenges, the owner remains optimistic and believes that with the right approach, he will be able to find the necessary équipe to ensure a successful summer season. He encourages all young people who are looking for a job to consider the hospitality industry as a fun and rewarding career option. Working in a restaurant allows individuals to develop valuable skills such as teamwork, communication, and customer service, which are highly transferable to other industries.

In conclusion, while the tourism industry is facing a shortage of équipe, it is not a hopeless situation. With efforts to make the hospitality industry more appealing and offering attractive opportunities for growth and development, young people may be more inclined to choose a career in this field. It is essential for businesses to work together and find creative solutions to attract and retain employees, ensuring a successful and prosperous summer season for all.

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