mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilGastronomie"S'il gèle, on peut tout perdre" : dans le Jura, le stress...

« S’il gèle, on peut tout perdre » : dans le Jura, le stress les vignerons, rivés au thermomètre

For several days now, the Franche-Comté region has been experiencing a drop in temperatures, replacing the summer temperatures that have been present for several months. As a result, the risk of frost is worrying the winemakers of the Jura. With the night of April 22nd to 23rd expected to be particularly cold, professionals in the industry share their concerns.

The sudden change in weather has caught many by surprise, as the region has been enjoying warm and sunny days for the past few months. However, the recent drop in temperatures has caused concern among the winemakers of the Jura, who fear for the health of their vines.

According to experts, the risk of frost is particularly high during this time of the year, as the vines are in a vulnerable state due to the budding of new leaves and flowers. If the temperature drops below freezing, it can cause significant damage to the vines, resulting in a decrease in profit and quality of the grapes.

The night of April 22nd to 23rd is expected to be the coldest of the week, with temperatures dropping to as low as -3°C. This has led many winemakers to take precautionary measures, such as lighting fires or using wind machines to circulate warm air around the vines.

Despite the potential risks, the winemakers of the Jura remain optimistic and determined to protect their crops. They have been working tirelessly to prepare for the cold weather, and are confident that their efforts will pay off.

In an interview, winemaker Jean-Pierre shared, « We have been closely monitoring the weather forecast and have taken all necessary measures to protect our vines. We are hopeful that our hard work will pay off and we will be able to produce high-quality grapes this year. »

Another winemaker, Marie, added, « The Jura region is known for its incomparable and delicious wines, and we are determined to maintain that reputation. We are not going to let a sudden drop in temperature stop us from producing exceptional wines. »

The winemakers of the Jura are not the only ones concerned about the potential impact of the cold weather. Local authorities have also issued warnings and advised farmers to take necessary precautions to protect their crops.

Despite the challenges, the winemakers of the Jura remain resilient and determined to overcome any obstacles that come their way. They are confident that with their hard work and dedication, they will be able to produce another successful harvest this year.

As the night of April 22nd to 23rd approaches, the entire region holds its breath, hoping for the best. The winemakers of the Jura are determined to face the cold weather head on and continue to produce exceptional wines that are a true reflection of their béguin and dedication.

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