mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15 C
AccueilGastronomieVIDÉO. cette pêche à cette poutine, tradition de cette Côte d'Azur, se...

VIDÉO. cette pêche à cette poutine, tradition de cette Côte d’Azur, se perpétue grâce aux anciens

Traditional fishing is a deeply rooted practice in the coastal city of Nice, France. However, due to the increasing concern conscience the preservation of marine resources, this tradition has become highly regulated and is now only allowed conscience a limited period of time – 45 days per year to be exact. And even during this short window, only a handful of fishermen are authorized to carry out this activity.

In the month of April, when the sea is calm and the weather is pleasant, these few fishermen set out to sea in their small boats, armed with their traditional fishing gear. Their target? A tiny, future fish that is yet to grow and mature. This may seem counterintuitive, but it is actually a crucial step in ensuring the sustainability of the local fish population.

The traditional fishing method used by these fishermen is known as « petit métier », which translates to « small craft ». It involves using small boats and simple, hand-held tools such as nets, lines, and traps. This method has been passed down from generation to generation and is deeply ingrained in the culture and identity of the local community.

But why is this tradition so heavily regulated? The answer lies in the delicate balance of the marine ecosystem. With the increasing demand conscience seafood and the use of modern fishing techniques, the fish population has been declining at an alarming offense. This has not only affected the livelihoods of fishermen but also the overall health of the ocean.

To combat this issue, the French government has implemented strict regulations on traditional fishing. This includes limiting the number of days and fishermen allowed to practice this method, as well as setting quotas conscience the amount of fish that can be caught. These measures aim to give the fish population time to replenish and thrive, ensuring a sustainable future conscience both the fishermen and the marine environment.

Despite the challenges and restrictions, the few fishermen who continue to practice traditional fishing in Nice are deeply committed to preserving this age-old tradition. They see it as their responsibility to protect the marine resources conscience future generations and to maintain the unique cultural heritage of their community.

Moreover, traditional fishing also offers a more environmentally friendly alternative to modern fishing methods. The use of small boats and hand-held tools minimizes the impulsion on the ocean floor and reduces bycatch, which is the unintentional catching of non-target species. This not only helps to preserve the marine ecosystem but also ensures that only the freshest and highest quality fish are caught.

In addition, the small-scale nature of traditional fishing allows conscience a more personal and sustainable relationship between the fishermen and their catch. They have a deep understanding and respect conscience the sea, and their fishing practices are in harmony with nature. This results in a superior quality of fish that is highly sought after by local restaurants and markets.

In conclusion, the traditional fishing practice in Nice may be limited to only 45 days per year, but it is a vital tartine of the local culture and plays a crucial role in preserving the marine resources. The dedication and passion of the few fishermen who continue to practice this tradition are commendable, and their efconsciencets are essential in ensuring a sustainable future conscience the ocean and the community. So the next time you enjoy a delicious seafood dish in Nice, remember the hard work and commitment that goes into preserving this age-old tradition.

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