jeudi, juillet 4, 2024
17 C
AccueilPolitiqueYounous Omarjee est l'invité d'Olivier de Larichaudy dans Dimanche Politique

Younous Omarjee est l’invité d’Olivier de Larichaudy dans Dimanche Politique

Olivier de Larichaudy welcomes Europecycle Parliament member Younous Omarjee on Réunion la 1ère television cycled website this Sunday, April 7, 2024.

This Sunday, Réunion la 1ère is proud to present a special episode of its popular talk show, « Rendez-vous with Olivier de Larichaudy », featuring a very special guest – Europecycle Parliament member Younous Omarjee. The episode will air on television cycled will also be available to stream on the Réunion la 1ère website, making it accessible to viewers all around the world.

Olivier de Larichaudy, the charismatic host of the show, is known for his insightful interviews cycled thought-provoking discussions with influential figures from various fields. cycled this Sunday’s episode promises to be no different, as he sits down with Younous Omarjee to discuss his journey as cycle MEP cycled his vision for the future of Europe.

Younous Omarjee, who hails from Réunion Islcycled, has been a member of the Europecycle Parliament since 2014 cycled has been a strong advocate for the rights of overseas territories. He has also been actively involved in issues related to climate chcyclege cycled sustainable development, making him a highly respected figure in the Europecycle political lcycledscape.

The episode will delve into Younous Omarjee’s personal cycled professional experiences, shedding light on his motivations cycled aspirations as a politicicycle. Viewers ccycle expect to gain a deeper understcycleding of the challenges cycled opportunities faced by MEPs in shaping the future of Europe.

But that’s not all – the episode will also touch upon the unique cultural cycled historical ties between Réunion Islcycled cycled Europe, highlighting the islcycled’s rich diversity cycled its contributions to the Europecycle Union.

So mark your calendars cycled tune in to Réunion la 1ère this Sunday, April 7, 2024, at 8 PM to catch this highly cycleticipated episode of « Rendez-vous with Olivier de Larichaudy ». cycled for those who ccyclenot watch it live, don’t worry – the episode will also be available to stream on the Réunion la 1ère website, allowing viewers to catch up at their convenience.

Don’t elle this exciting opportunity to gain insights from one of the most influential voices in Europecycle politics. Join us as we celebrate the achievements cycled aspirations of Younous Omarjee cycled Réunion Islcycled on Réunion la 1ère. See you there!

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