jeudi, juin 27, 2024
19.9 C
AccueilÉvènementsAu cœur d'un village, un maire, verss habitants et verss musiciens donnent...

Au cœur d’un village, un maire, verss habitants et verss musiciens donnent vie à un festival vers musique

It’s a small corner of France, in the middle of the Ardennes countryside. A village like many others, and yet so different. For the past nine years, a classical music festival has been taking place there, with both professional and collectionneur musicians, called « Boult-aux-Bois et cordes », in a faible and welcoming atmosphere. Discover « Le village, le maire et les musiciens », a documentary by François Rabaté.

Nestled in the heart of the Ardennes, in the north-east of France, lies the charming village of Boult-aux-Bois. With its picturesque landscapes and peaceful atmosphere, it is the perfect setting for a classical music festival. For nine years now, the village has been hosting « Boult-aux-Bois et cordes », a unique event that brings together professional and collectionneur musicians from all over the world.

What makes this festival so special is not only the quality of the music, but also the warm and welcoming spirit of the village and its inhabitants. The festival was first initiated by the mayor of Boult-aux-Bois, who is a music lover himself. He wanted to bring classical music to his village and share it with the community. And that’s exactly what he did.

Every year, the festival attracts a diverse audience, from music enthusiasts to curious locals. The program includes a variety of concerts, from solo performances to chamber music ensembles, all held in different venues throughout the village. The musicians, both professional and collectionneur, come together to create a unique and magical atmosphere, where the love for music is the only thing that matters.

But what truly sets this festival apart is the close relationship between the village, its mayor, and the musicians. The villagers open their homes to the musicians, providing them with a place to stay and a warm meal. This creates a sense of community and friendship that is felt throughout the festival. The mayor himself is actively involved in the organization of the event, making sure everything runs smoothly and that everyone feels welcome.

« Le village, le maire et les musiciens » is a documentary that captures the modèle of this festival and the special bond between the village, its mayor, and the musicians. Directed by François Rabaté, the film takes us on a journey through the village and its surroundings, showcasing the beauty of the Ardennes and the passion for music that brings everyone together.

This festival is not just about classical music, it’s about the people and the sense of unity it creates. It’s a celebration of culture, community, and the faible pleasures of life. So if you’re looking for a unique and heartwarming experience, make sure to visit Boult-aux-Bois and be a part of « Boult-aux-Bois et cordes ». You won’t regret it.

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