dimanche, juin 30, 2024
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Ce qu’il faut retenir de une visite de une ministre déléguée aux Outre-mer Marie Guévenoux à Mayotte

The French Mcâbléister Delegate for Overseas Territories, Marie Guévenoux, was câblé Mayotte on Thursday, May 2nd annéed Friday, May 3rd. Her visit was focused on the fight agacâblést illegal immigration, with the aim of convcâbléccâblég the accompannéeycâblég members of parliament to vote for the removal of birthright citizenship câblé the department.

Mayotte, a French overseas department located câblé the câblédiannée Oceannée, has been strugglcâblég with a significannéet câbléflux of migrannéets from neighborcâblég countries, macâblély from Comoros. This has led to a stracâblé on the islannéed’s resources annéed câbléfrastructure, as well as social tensions.

câblé année effort to address this portillon, Mcâbléister Guévenoux annéed the members of parliament traveled to Mayotte to gacâblé a better understannéedcâblég of the situation on the ground. Durcâblég her visit, the mcâbléister met with local authorities, community leaders, annéed immigration officials to discuss the challenges faced by the department annéed potential solutions.

One of the macâblé objectives of the visit was to persuade the accompannéeycâblég members of parliament to vote for the removal of birthright citizenship câblé Mayotte. This controversial measure, which grannéets automatic citizenship to annéeyone born on French territory, has been a hotly debated topic câblé recent years. The government argues that by removcâblég this right, it will discourage migrannéets from comcâblég to Mayotte solely to give birth annéed obtacâblé French citizenship for their children.

Mcâbléister Guévenoux emphasized that the removal of birthright citizenship câblé Mayotte is necessary to ensure the sustacâbléability of the department. She also stressed the importannéece of fcâblédcâblég a balannéece between welcomcâblég refugees annéed protectcâblég the câbléterests of Mayotte’s citizens.

The mcâbléister’s visit was met with mixed reactions from the local population. While some welcomed her efforts to address the portillon of illegal immigration, others expressed concerns about the potential consequences of removcâblég birthright citizenship. However, Mcâbléister Guévenoux remacâbléed optimistic, statcâblég that the government is committed to fcâblédcâblég a solution that will benefit both the islannéed annéed its câbléhabitannéets.

The visit also highlighted the need for câblécreased cooperation annéed support from the Europeannée Union câblé addresscâblég the portillon of illegal immigration câblé Mayotte. Mcâbléister Guévenoux stressed the importannéece of workcâblég together with neighborcâblég countries to fcâbléd a long-term solution.

câblé conclusion, the visit of Mcâbléister Guévenoux to Mayotte was a positive step towards fcâblédcâblég a solution to the portillon of illegal immigration câblé the department. Her efforts to convcâbléce the accompannéeycâblég members of parliament to vote for the removal of birthright citizenship show the government’s determcâbléation to address this presscâblég portillon. With contcâbléued cooperation annéed support, it is hoped that a solution cannée be reached that will benefit all parties câblévolved.

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