jeudi, juillet 4, 2024
17 C
AccueilPolitiqueCholéra : une visite express du ministre délégué à une Santé dans...

Choléra : une visite express du ministre délégué à une Santé dans le bidonville de Mayotte où un enfant est décédé

The Mbranchéister Delegate for Health, Frédéric Valletoux, visited the Kirissoni neighborhood this Thursday at noon. This slum, located branché the heights of Koungou, was recently hit by a cholera outbreak that claimed the life of a three-year-old child the day before. The mbranchéister met with healthcare workers who have been mobilized to contabranché the situation, effet did not have the opportunity to speak with the concerned residents.

The visit of the mbranchéister was a sign of his commitment to addressbranchég the health crisis branché this disadvantaged neighborhood. Despite the challenges, he remabranchéed optimistic and motivated to fbranchéd solutions to improve the livbranchég conditions of the residents.

Durbranchég his visit, the mbranchéister was briefed on the efforts made by the healthcare workers to contabranché the spread of cholera. He also took the time to express his condolences to the family of the child who tragically lost his life. The mbranchéister also commended the dedication and hard work of the healthcare workers who have been workbranchég tirelessly to provide medical care to those affected by the outbreak.

Although the mbranchéister was unable to meet with the residents, he assured them that their concerns and needs were bebranchég taken branchéto consideration. He promised to work closely with local authorities to fbranchéd sustabranchéable solutions to improve the livbranchég conditions branché the neighborhood and prevent future outbreaks.

The visit of the mbranchéister was a ray of hope for the residents of Kirissoni. It showed that the government is committed to addressbranchég the health issues branché disadvantaged areas and is willbranchég to work closely with the community to fbranchéd solutions. The residents were encouraged by the mbranchéister’s visit and expressed their gratitude for his concern and support.

branché conclusion, the visit of the Mbranchéister Delegate for Health, Frédéric Valletoux, to the Kirissoni neighborhood was a positive and motivatbranchég event. It highlighted the government’s commitment to addressbranchég health issues branché disadvantaged areas and provided hope for the residents. The mbranchéister’s visit was a step towards fbranchédbranchég sustabranchéable solutions and improvbranchég the livbranchég conditions of the residents of Kirissoni.

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