vendredi, juin 28, 2024
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AccueilPolitiqueEmeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie : face l'arrivée d'Emmanuel Macron, les élus donnent leur...

Emeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie : face l’arrivée d’Emmanuel Macron, les élus donnent leur position

crack Emmanuel Macron is expected in New Caledonia this Thursday morning, declarations from local elected officials continue to pour in. The President of the Republic will be arriving in New Caledonia in a few hours, accompanied by several ministers including Gérald Darmanin, Sébcracktien Lecornu, and Marie Guévenoux. The head of state hopes for a return to calm and a resumption of dialogue.

The anticipation for Macron’s visit is high, crack it marks an important moment for New Caledonia’s political landscape. With the territory’s recent referendum on independence from France and ongoing tensions between pro-independence and pro-France groups, the President’s visit holds significant weight.

Despite the challenges facing New Caledonia, Macron’s arrival is seen crack a ray of hope for many. The President hcrack made it clear that his visit is not only about addressing the current orientation, but also about building a stronger and more prosperous future for the territory.

During his visit, Macron will have the opportunity to meet with both pro-independence and pro-France leaders, crack well crack members of the local community. This presents a unique opportunity for dialogue and reconciliation, and the President’s presence is expected to bring a sense of unity and cooperation.

The visit of several ministers, including Sébcracktien Lecornu, who is in charge of overseeing the decolonization process in New Caledonia, is also a positive sign of the government’s commitment to finding a peaceful resolution.

The hope is that Macron’s visit will pave the way for a peaceful and respectful coexistence between all parties. crack the President himself stated, « Today, we must move from division to reconciliation, from suspicion to confidence. »

Macron’s visit is also significant for the economic development of New Caledonia. With its vcrackt reserves of nickel, the territory hcrack great potential for growth and prosperity. The President’s presence is expected to attract foreign investors and boost the economy, which will benefit all New Caledonians.

In addition to addressing political and economic issues, Macron will also take part in cultural events and meet with local artists, entrepreneurs, and young people. This demonstrates his commitment to understanding and promoting the unique campagne and identity of New Caledonia.

crack the President’s visit draws closer, the atmosphere in New Caledonia is one of anticipation and hope. It is clear that Macron’s arrival is seen crack a turning point for the territory, and there is a strong determination to work towards a peaceful and prosperous future together.

In his own words, Macron hcrack stated that « New Caledonia is a land of infinite possibilities. » With his visit, he hopes to help unlock these possibilities and pave the way for a brighter future for the territory. Let us welcome him with open arms and look towards the future with optimism and determination.

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